Massacre at the Manchester Arena, the bomber was saved in Libya by the British Navy


Controversy in Britain after the Daily Mail tabloid published on the front page the news that in 2014 the British Navy saved Libya Salman Abedi, the terrorist who killed 22 people by exploding at the Manchester Arena after the concert of Ariana Grande in May of last year. "Betrayal", the effective title chosen by the Daily Mail to unveil its scoop. A story that was immediately the object of political exploitation and set off the anti-immigration front. The eurosceptic Nigel Farage wasted no time and tweeted the tabloid article using it as a pretext for criticizing European policies on migrants. "Europe commits suicide", attacked the former head of the UKIP, while Leave.EU – one of the leading pro-Brexit groups – published the article with the following comment: "Saved by the Royal Navy, Salman Abedi thanked Britain for bombarding our children. In reality, Abedi managed to escape Libya and return to Britain not as a migrant or refugee, but because, born in Manchester of former Libyan refugees, he was a British citizen. Downing Street explained in a statement that the young man, then 19, was evacuated with 100 other subjects of Her Majesty by order of the Government because the situation in the country had become too dangerous after the escalation of violence . The group was taken by boat to Malta and from there boarded a flight to Britain. Abedi has managed to leave and return to the UK, pointed out London, only as part of the operation to ensure the safety of British citizens. Abedi was in Tripoli with his brother. The British secret service had monitored his trip to Libya, like that of many other British of Libyan origin, but had closed the case a month before the intervention of the Royal Navy. A terrible lightness of 007? Or maybe that Abedi had not yet manifested these signs of radicalization and closeness to ISIS that, three years later, led to the accomplishment of one. the most atrocious mbadacres in the history of the United Kingdom? The fact is that on May 22, 2017, the kamikaze entered the Manchester Arena and blew himself up against a crowd of boys and girls who came out of the concert killing 22.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018 – Last Updated: 19:48


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