Massacre via D & # 39; Amelio, asked the trial of three policemen for the projection: they are accused of slander


The day the reasons for the conviction of the Borsellino quater trial were filed (published April 20, 2017), another new shake the judicial history of the mbadacre in Amelio Street. The Procura di Caltanissetta called for the indictment of three police officers for the wrong direction of the investigations into the mbadacre of Via D 'Amelio . The preliminary hearing has not yet been fixed. The trial was requested for the official Mario Bo, who has already been investigated for the same facts and who then obtained the deposit, and for the police Michele Ribaudo and Fabrizio Mattei. For all the accusation is slander in competition . The poll closed on March 8th. A little over two years after archiving, the curtain reopened on the wrong direction of the investigation into the attack of Judge Paolo Borsellino and his escort agents, Agostino Catalano Emanuela Act Vincenzo Li Muli Walter Eddie Cosina and Claudio Traina .

Bo, who was the policeman who was part of the pool coordinating the investigations into the July 19, 1992 mbadacre, and the two other police officers allegedly prepared a truth of convenience about the preparatory phase of the attack and forced the false repentant Vincenzo Scarantino to make names and names of innocent people. A plan with an indefinite motive, with a director now dead: l & # 39; former head of the task force investigating Arnaldo La Barbera supporting actors like Bo and "executors" such as Ribaudo and Mattei. A plan that costs
sentenced to life imprisonment for seven innocent victims, once the lies were unmasked, by the review process that took place in Catania on July 13, 2017. The turning point of the prosecution investigation from Caltanissetta, after years of investigations and thanks to the revelations of the repentant Gaspare Spatuzza, he managed to identify the real architects of the preparatory phase of the mbadacre, close to the filing of the sentence handed down during the last trial for the mbadacre of the Via d 'Amelio, deposit that took place yesterday.

In the seven-page investigative order, Nissena's prosecutor had reconstructed the alleged role of Bo, Mattei and Ribaudo in the screening. Bo, before Scarantino showed his willingness to collaborate with justice, followed by a thousand retractions, he would suggest to him, showing also the photos of the characters to blame, what to report to the judicial authority. And he would have pressured Cyril to identify suspects, instructing him on the truth to be provided and making him overcome the contradictions with the versions
made by two other repentants: Salvatore Candura and Francesco Andriotta . A plan that, despite the obvious lack of reliability of Scarantino protagonist of a thousand retractions, even in the judicial functions, held in the Supreme Court and led to the unjust conviction of the life imprisonment of Salvatore Profeta, Gaetano Scotto, Cosimo Vernengo, Natale Gambino, Giuseppe La Mattina, Gaetano Murana and Giuseppe Urso. Mattei and Ribaudo who took care of Scarantino's safety after the false repentance, prosecutors claim to make him "study" with him the statements that he should have made in the first trial on the mbadacre to avoid inconsistencies and the Instigated not to retract the lies already baderted. Bo allegedly "directed" the conditioning operations of the repentant

The Caltanissetta Assize Court, presided over by Antonio Balsamo, sentenced to life imprisonment a year ago, the bosses Salvo Madonia and Vittorio Tutino, accused mbadacre and 10 years the "false repentant" Francesco Andriotta and Calogero Pulci, accused of defamation. The judges stated that the offense alleged against Vincenzo Scarantino, also accused of defamation, was extinguished by prescription. At least in this phase, the motive of the wrong direction remains obscure. Only two years ago, prosecutors claimed to have no appropriate elements to substantiate the judgment against Bo and two other agents Salvo La Barbera and Vincenzo Ricciardi and the case was closed. After the filing of the inquiries, however, they left and were enriched by new statements by Scarantino and his wife . Both told of the pressures and violence suffered by the false repentance of police officers who claimed to confirm their versions. In the new record is also part of the investigation conducted in the last trial for the mbadacre in which Bo was heard as a witness can no longer benefit, after filing his position, the right not to respond.

in the motives of the sentence of acquittal of the convicted innocents the judges of the Assize Court wrote that on the mbadacre of via Amelio was "one of the more serious depistaggi of the Italian judicial history ". "It is legitimate to question the aims actually pursued by the subjects, included in the state apparatus, who became protagonists of this criminal design, with a specific reference to certain elements ", writes the court when he speaks about his devices" which incited Vincenzo Scarantino to make false statements.The men of the state in question are investigators of the group Falcone and Borsellino led by the leader of the mobile team of Arnaldo La Barbera Palermo: they had to discover the responsible for the bombs they instead built some tables false repentants .

But What were the goals of one of the most sensational screenings of the country's judicial history? Judges are invited.The court tries to make badumptions: as a cover of presence of AC sources "what is highlighted – the magistrates write – from the transmission to the false collaborators of the justice of foreign information to their cognitive and posterior heritage revealed objectively sensitive to the reality", and, more worrying still, "the concealment of the responsibility of the other subjects for the mbadacre, as part of a convergence of interests between Cosa Nostra and others the power who perceived the work of the magistrate as a danger. "

Magistrates then devote part of the motivation to the red agenda of Judge Paolo Borsellino, the diary kept by the magistrate purse, disappeared from the scene of the day. attack . Barbera according to the court, had a "fundamental role in the construction of false collaborations with the justice and was also intensely involved in the disappearance of the red agenda, as This is reflected in his unprecedented aggression towards Lucia Borsellino, engaged in a courageous search for the truth about her father's death. "

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