Mattarella signs the law on the earthquake but expresses its perplexity in Conte


Rome, 25 July (askanews) – The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, signs the law of conversion of the decree on the earthquake but expresses "strong perplexities" on certain "critical" aspects of the provision. And he emphasizes with a letter, attached to the press release of the Presidency of the Republic, to the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, "referring to the government's badessment of the identification of ways and forms of the government. "An appropriate regulatory intervention to lead to greater efficiency, In short, the discipline in question." In summary, according to the head of state, the government must return to the subject because the law that contains "measures urgent "in favor of the populations of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria affected by seismic events from August 24, 2016, it presents aspects that affect its effectiveness. Mattarella enumerates them one by one, focusing on Article 7, the content of which, in "paragraphs 2 and 3", "although not constituting a clear violation of constitutional legitimacy, gives rise to strong perplexities". of the state observes that something does not return to normal which provides that the works, light, even prefabricated, and similar structures, manufactured or purchased between August 24, 2016 and the date of entry into force of the building may be used instead of buildings intended for the principal residence and declared unusable provision, provided that they are removable and intended to satisfy contingent and merely temporary needs. Mattarella then notes in this regard "an unprecedented suspension of sentence, referring only to the criminal sanctions referred to in Article 181 of Legislative Decree No. 42 of 2004, while nothing is expected – note – in reference to other cases (in construction, urban planning and protection of protected areas) that often occur in the hypothesis of construction of works in the absence of the required authorizations in areas subject to constraints ". Result? "The ratio of the intervention, aimed at
allow the temporary use of these artifacts he could
be frustrated by the possibility of configuring others
On the preventive seizure, Mattarella then argues that the provision is "asystematic and prejudicial to the intangibility of the legal provisions" and does not take into account the possibility that the probative is disposed of: from these considerations, scrupulously argued, l & 39; invitation to the government to evaluate, "quickly", a new intervention

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