"Matteo Salvini, be careful: that's how you can burn". From the great Forza Italia the lethal prophecy on the League


"I do not believe that Lega and M5s can give life to a stable alliance". Andrea Cangini neo-senator of Forza Italia and blue team leader at the Committee of Culture in Palazzo Madama, writes to Time to launch what looks very much like a warning Matteo Salvini . First, look at the Allied Government "because the crickets do not have roots or political culture.They are bent by the wind of popular intolerance. to the right, turn to the left, then recover fatally in their usual indeterminacy. " It is true, says Cangini, that populism goes beyond the right and the left, but "it's a conjuncture, not a new era". And it will be just the government's ordeal to burn Salvini and Luigi Di Maio : "The difficulty (in some cases, the impossibility) of moving from theory to practice will disrupt the consensus grillino and will put the charism to the test Salvini Mario Monti same Enrico Letta at the beginning of their government adventure had more consents than those received today by the head of the League, ephemeral consensus, soon dissolved. "Salvini, summarizes Cangini," must be careful not to reproduce the model of Matthew that preceded it. "Reduce by half the consensus as it happened to Renzi is easy, enough to overtake in promises in illusions, in false expectations: continually open new political fronts serves the present, but it undermines the future ". And it is precisely the space of "realism", concludes the blue senator, that Forza Italia will have to return to occupy, not to end crushed by the League.

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