Matteo Salvini, parish priest accuses him during Mass and the faithful leave the church


The border between the moral message and Catholic and political has never been labile as in these months. And the many " invasions of the field" which were attributed to the same Pope Francis on the subject of migrants are proof of this. But, of course, quotes Matteo Salvini by his first name and his name at the homily to say that he "works badly" for his politics caring little about the Christian values ​​of the hospitality that he operates by closing the bring to the ships of the NGOs it means to badert the policy:

He did it, Sunday morning at the mbad of 8:30, Don Federico Pompei in the small church of Villa Rosa, a fraction of Martinsicuro on the border between the Marches and Abruzzo. The news, taken from La Voce del Trentino, then from Gazzettino was reported by a group of Trentino tourists who attended the ceremony in the little church. Hearing the name of the leader of the League and the accusations brought against him by the priest the group left the church in protest even if Don Federico nevertheless continued the function without being discouraged. "Too bad that a priest does politics in a church during Holy Mbad – explains one of the tourists from Trento who left the church with his husband – enough for him to say that we need to help the next, what does Salvini want to do?

See also: Immigration, Lega-M5S government: lands collapsed from 73,000 to 16,000

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