Mature, oral example of the autistic student: the support teacher burst into tears (VIDEO)


The student Francesco Criscuolo during the baccalaureate interview: at his side the teacher of support

It causes a succession of actions, on social networks, the video of a 19 – year – old boy who lives with a severe form of autism: the young man, from the province of Benevento, calls Francesco Criscuolo and is engaged in the final interview of the. mature exam

An exemplary commitment: a film that is worth a lot

In the movie, "posted" on facebook of its Director, the boy shows an exemplary performance and commitment. At his side the support teacher, who stimulates him in the exhibition. In the end, as soon as the test ends, the emotion prevails and unreasonably unleashed. Do not hold back joy, it is also the support teacher, who burst into tears.

It is a film that is worth a thousand speeches about school integration, the importance of support for students with disabilities and the extraordinary character of the school that reaches [19659006] In the midst of news ” border=”0″/>

In the month of February Bachelet-Maiorana, Professor Di Blasio was disfigured by a 17-year-old student

The review was held at the Bachelet-Maiorana Institute of Santa Maria a Vico, in the Casertano area: the same high school, where a 17-year-old student marked the face of Professor Franca Di Blasio with a knife, then honored by the Minister of Education of the time, Valeria Fedeli, Cavaliere della Repubblica, for having badumed an attitude of understanding even after the unfortunate fact: "A gesture that is the very essence of being teachers, placing himself critically on his work, was the comment of the same minister

The boy who made the gesture, however, suffered more their consequences following the aggression: he lost the school year, was tried and eventually reformed.

The main thing: Can you still live in a colorful world

On June 30, after six months, we talk about the Bachelet-Maiorana from Santa Maria to Vico for a completely different thing. "The teacher's tears – he wrote on the internet the director, Pina Sgambato, commenting on the trial of the autistic student – are the tears of our entire school."

"We are proud of you Francesco, we will miss you!" "May you always live in a world of colors." I am happy that our school has professionals of the value of Michele Vozzella (ed support teacher). Please see all the video. I would suggest the final letter of our champion as an autism manifest! ", Wrote the principal again.

The desire of the mother: this video must go around the world

The director invites everyone to see the video of the young autistic filmed by the excited mother: "PS I allowed myself to share the video because, as you have heard audio, her talented mother wants to go around the world, helping the cause of special children like Francesco! ", concludes the principal.

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