Maturity 2018, the number of graduates who gets praise increases | The best students of Puglia


According to data from the Miur, 99.6% of students were promoted, compared to 99.5% a year ago

The number of praises increases – The praises went to 1.3%, a year ago they were 1.2%. The 100 are 5.7%, compared to 5.3% last year. Girls and boys with a vote between 91 and 99 are 9%, in 2017 they were 8.5%. 19.6% of students obtained between 81 and 90, compared to 18.9% last year. The 71-80 increase slightly: from 28.6% to 28.8% a year ago.

Scores lower than 70 are decreasing: 27.8% of mature students obtained a vote among the 61 and 70, the voting group that in 2017 had been reached by 29%. The 60 decrease to 7.8%, compared to 8.5% in 2017.

In Puglia, the highest number of 100 and praise – In all, 100 and honors in Italy are 6.004. In terms of absolute data, the regions with the highest number of awards are Puglia (1,066), Campania (860) and Latium (574). In examining the percentage of graduates with honors and the territorial scholastic population, in Puglia, the highest score was 3% of maturities and matures, in Umbria 2.2%, in the Marches, 2.1 %

High School Clbadical School With Top Rated – Higher School Votes Are Confirmed Higher: 2.2% Follows Praises, 8% Had 100, 11.4 % between 91 and 99, 22.9% between 81 and 90. In technicians and professionals increase 100 and congratulate. In high schools, again, the highest grade is, again, the Clbadic.

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