Maturity 2019: students worry, the reform is scary – Specials


Maturity 2019, was one of the most anticipated moments for nearly 500 000 students who, next June, will face the new maturity.

A few months after the start of work, the Ministry of Education published the terms of reference for the preparation and execution of the written tests of the 2019 official exam. In practice, the indications on the which traces will be processed, as well as the general rules for evaluation by the commissions. But how will students be digested? The site asked 500 of them. And the answers, as we already say, are not really encouraging.

Maturity 2019, double nightmare material to the second written
The second test is a subject of concern for mature students. If the ministerial decree that we have just published was adopted, we could open for them almost apocalyptic scenarios: Latin and Greek as well as the clbadical high school, a mixture of mathematics and physics to the scientist, double language of the linguistic high school. Just to give some examples. And the students have not taken sportiness at all: almost half of the sample (46%) already think that the second test will certainly be more difficult than the one who has just retired, 34% for the moment neutral (waiting). more details), only 20% say it will be easier (but maybe it's a wish).

Civic Education and Work-Study Alternation: The Oral is a Course of the Fighter
But there is another chapter that agitates the dreams of ripeners: the oral exam. It is only early October, when the last year has already begun, that it has officially been learned that the term would disappear from the interview (donut for many students) and would instead constitute a space for the report on alternating school work. Betraying the hopes of the many boys (70% of those surveyed) who, having put an end to obligatory sandwich training as a prerequisite for access to the final exam, have imagined disappearing maturity tests . Not to mention questions about citizenship and the constitution. The decision is final, a pity that 57% do not feel prepared for such an event: only 43% of them deal with these problems at school.

Tight times and too many changes: here are the fears of ripeners
Thus, for more than half of mature people, anxiety is already at the highest level. Almost everything revolves around the time factor: the information, according to them, arrived too late to allow an adequate preparation. To understand this, just browse the comments left over the past few hours on the Web by the same people involved in the first person. "But how can we do it in six months – says one of the many students – to prepare a second try like this?" A colleague said that "it makes no sense to introduce civic education this year, it would make more sense to do it from the third / fourth year and to to propose it in two or three years ". Delays which, for another maturation, "will be a source of confusion and inconvenience for teachers and students". There are those who complained: "I could not wait to present my essay on a subject that really interests me". Who would immediately return to the past: "The next who says that without third test will be a very easy maturity – a girl promises – I throw it to the ground". And who, even, thinks it's just a nightmare and hopes that "tomorrow I'll wake up and nothing will be true".

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