maxi fire in a company in the Neapolitan area


Waste bales went up in smoke. A fire of vast proportions. A terrible Sunday that pbaded San Vitaliano common northeast of Naples. The fire devoured the ecoballe stored in the sheds of a waste treatment company, the Ambiente Spa, a dense thick black smoke rose around 14:30. The fire was tamed only in the evening, but outbreaks are still ongoing. It will take hours to secure the area. The wind did not facilitate the shutdown operations, even for that a family of three was evacuated from their home adjacent to the site caught on fire. In Via Ponte delle Tavole there were many vehicles of the 115 and the Civil Protection: at least 12 teams of firefighters intervened, about fifty men engaged on the spot, where there was no fire. Nbcr team arrived, used in cases where dangerous substances such as dioxin are trapped by fires. The Noe Carabinieri of Naples also intervened

Today, cremated ecobelles were visible from outside the Ambiente ecological platform. The one contained compressed plastic bottles among other unrecognizable garbage at the naked eye, which could only be graded after sampling. The fire destroyed an open shed and partially the building where the company's offices are located. It is not yet possible to establish if the fire is intentional. The case investigates the riflemen of the company Castello di Cisterna who have already begun to hear some of the people who were present inside the structure when the fire broke out. burst, the first to intervene to prevent the fire from spreading. According to a first reconstruction of the facts, the stake would leave a yard where the bales of waste were stored. How and why investigations will make it clear

Journalists of today were not welcome outside of the company. A man, coming out of a violent tone, demanded that we do not make video: "Only profit can it do.To turn it off? It's an area that can not be Take back the potatoes that are better, "he said. But we continued to do our work. "He must turn it off – he repeated – I will not tell you more." Shortly after, two women approached: "He is shooting a fire and I do not think so, why did not she come to the entrance to ask if she could film? the tension was breathed throughout, while the colored smoke continued to infest the air of San Vitaliano and all the surrounding municipalities.In the evening, the mayors of all the cities of the region came together and have decided to promulgate an order that temporarily prohibits permanence in open public places, sporting events and other external events and requires keeping doors and windows closed at home.

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