Maxi-raid among the Casamonica, 37 arrests. Nailed by the first repentant of the clan


Maxi-raid in the Casamonica clan. There are 31 arrests, with 6 people currently being sought, the balance of a maximum operation of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Rome. The military execute the 37 precautionary measures in prison between the capital and the provinces of Reggio Calabria and Cosenza, issued by the investigating judge of Rome at the request of the local DDA. They are held accountable, competing with each other and with different roles, to have set up an organization dedicated to drug trafficking, extortion, and wear and tear. 1000%, committed with the aggravating factor of the mafia method. Among the victims of the clan's wear, there is also the radio host Marco Baldini, who has long recognized that he is a victim of gambling.

For investigators, Giuseppe Casamonica plays the main role of promoter. released from prison after about 10 years in prison. There is also Domenico Spada, a former boxing champion, among those who were arrested in the maxi blitz. They did not need to resort to violence, the only name of the Casamonica family was enough to be respected. The operation "demonstrates that there are no free zones in Rome," said the commander of the operational department of the capital, Colonel Mario Conio, at the press conference

Prosecutor Michele Prestipino emphasized the contribution of the victims and also of two collaborators. justice. The role of the former partner of a member of the Casamonica clan is particularly important. It is the wife of Mbadimiliano Casamonica, brother of the boss Giuseppe, who after twelve years alongside the brother of the boss – who had married with a sinti ceremony while he was not doing part of the group – is distanced from the clan and decided to collaborate with the investigators become part of the protection program. The decision came after difficult years, pbaded to the inside of the clan who saw it as something different because it was not a sinti. In 2015, the women of the clan came to kidnap her, along with the three children she had from Mbadimiliano. From where the decision to collaborate with justice

"It is very important to collaborate – says Prestipino – because it represents an important vulnus on the zone of impenetrability" of the group, which is "structured" and strongly united also for the blood bond between affiliates, able to establish strong links with the most influential families of the Calabrian "ndrangheta". The group had a "bastion" in the area of ​​Porta Furba, in the Appia region of Rome, and ramifications in the difficult suburbs of Tuscolano as Romanina and Tor Vergata and then in the coast of Ostia. An organization of "difficult penetration" for investigators also for the language that it uses, a sinti dialect that few are able to interpret.

20 motor vehicles, four premises, four social housing units and two villas were seized. As for commercial activities, there is a local at the Pantheon, a disco in Testaccio, a beauty center on Tuscolana and a gym in Marino, also frequented by Domenico Spada, called Vulcano. The two villas are in Infernetto Square, in Via Banchieri, and that of Dda, which considers the patron of Clan Giuseppe Casamonica in Porta Furba in Via Selvotta

Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini on Twitter , thanked the Carabinieri for the operation, closing his tweet with the phrase "We win". Also via Twitter, the mayor of Rome, VIrginia Raggi, congratulated the police: for her, the hashtag #FuoriLaMafiaDaRoma. The governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, tweets defining the arrests of today "a shot at organized crime".

31 arrests for mafia, drug smuggling and carrying Casamonica clan members (those who had threatened me) with 250 Carabinieri at work since tonight: THANK YOU! #lamafiamifaschifo we won't

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) 17 July 2018

Operation Bene Carabinieri against the Casamonica clan. I thank the General Command of Rome. Once again together to say #FuorilamafiadaRoma #nonabbbadiamolosguardo

– Virginia Raggi (@virginiaraggi) July 17, 2018

The arrests against the Casamonica clan are a blow to organized crime. Congratulations to the provincial leadership Carabinieri and the anti-mafia leadership of the District of Rome for the work done against the plague of our city.

– Nicola Zingaretti (@nzingaretti) July 17, 2018

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