Me, fortuneteller for a call center of 7 cents a minute. I was cheated but I was helping people. Complaint CGIL


He worked for more than a year as a cartomant at the call center until his discovery by CGIL. Or rather, he turned to the union and uncovered a history of loneliness and exploitation, yet another case of fraud in the call centers and the need to regulate a sector that still has too much room for maneuver. Because the perceived gain was 7 cents per minute of conversation. In other words, the person on the other side of the receiver listened to what the alleged cartomante had the habit of saying and more collected. But still a misery, also because if the call had a duration of less than 2 minutes, it would not be paid any compensation. Not only that, but to get the monthly payment – he reports – was always an odyssey.

7 cents per minute call center

Remember, there was no skill because – rebuilt history – it's not one does not did not even ask what kind of knowledge she had about cartomancy. At first she worked six hours a day, and then, as the clients asked her to talk to her, she started working eight hours a day, six days a week, and each month had to guarantee two Sundays. However, he would like to point out, he would never have fooled anyone, but I have read the cards only by being very careful what he could decipher. At the end of this experience, what he understood – he admits – is that in reality people just needed to talk to someone.

For the SLC trade union in Taranto who followed the story, we are faced with a doubly sad story. On one side, there are those who are enriched by the needs of people and those who call for answers (the worker says that the interlocutors were between 35 and 60 years old and in the newspapers they were looking for answers on the 39; future). And on the other hand, there are the needs of those who survive a 7 cents a minute treatment. The trade union organization says it is ready to protect the woman who has done its job, but also to fight against a work disorder that favors those who define new slavers.

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