"Medjugorje in the sights of the Neapolitan mafias"


Medjugorje in the collimator of the Neapolitan mafias. So Camorra. This, without too many words, the statement that Archbishop Hoser would have delivered in Warsaw, at a homily on the eternal struggle between good and evil

The clergyman in question is no one: Pope Francis made permanent the presence of the Austrian at the place of worship of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of last May. Someone, perhaps with too much enthusiasm, interpreted this movement as one step closer to recognizing apparitions.

A "turning point", which however was not followed by any statement on the authenticity of the appearances mentioned. What is certain is that Hoser is the envoy of Bergoglio. His words, if confirmed, would have a significant value.

"Another place where there is an ever more fierce struggle between good and evil – Hoser said, as reported by Republic – is Medjugorje.We meet a from the thousands of young people who use the sacrament of penance and reconciliation.On the other hand, we must be aware that due to the mbadive influx of pilgrims, this place has penetrated the mafias, among than those of the Neapolitan, who counts on profits ". Quotations quoted by Polish newspapers then taken up by blog "The Sign of Jonah".

Hoser's sole task is to regulate and manage the flow of pilgrimages which, besides the lack of official recognition of Vatican continue to affect the region. "It's true what I said – Hoser had specified regarding the alleged authorization of the cult – even though it might have been a bit exaggerated, but it's absolutely genuine that the Pilgrimages of prayer can be organized in Medjugorje without problem, provided that they are spiritual and do not concern the apparitions of Our Lady to the seers ". Medjugorje was, however, taken in charge by criminal organizations which, thanks to pilgrimages, would have succeeded in settling in the small Bosnian town.

Campania tourist groups may not have reacted enthusiastically. It seems that the convictions pronounced by Hoser have caused the disappointment of the many Neapolitans who usually go to Medjugorje.

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