Meet again Gaia Maria Perasso and Gaia Fiorentini: they are well


Gaia Maria Perbado and Gaia Fiorentini will succeed and will soon be able to kiss their families

They were found by the police in the Pescara area. "We are very happy, it's the end of a nightmare for parents, we really want to thank the staff of the Fermo Police Station for its professionalism and humanity," said the lawyer. Cristina Perozzi who followed her family.

They left Friday night camping Fermo where they were on vacation, creating a strong apprehension in their respective families

In the last hours the research calls were multiplied, including those of the Mayor of Fidenza Andrea Mbadari and Parma Federico Pizzarotti. ] The kidnapping will end soon with the embrace of parents.

Police intervened in Pescara after a report from a citizen. To signal the presence of both girls to the transmission Who saw it? he was a young man from L'Aquila who had met them on the beach of Pescara on Saturday.

The young man, at the suggestion of transmission, made contact with the police and then with the police, who – after identifying them – was organizing the return of the two teenagers to Fermo, where their parents are [19659002] They will return to Fidenza tomorrow, Tuesday

"It was a great satisfaction – writes Mbadari – to receive the call that announced the news not long ago, that we were all waiting, and even more beautiful listened to them. families and listened to their happiness in Fidenza, where there were so many people who, during these 48 hours, gathered around the two families, Perbado and Fiorentini.

There were many citizens of all ages. Italy, which, like a flooded river, literally flooded the social networks of the municipality, that we made available to researchers and investigators to promote an activity capillary as much as possible. I've been witnessing in front of the families of Gaia Maria and Gaia, in this very difficult test that they had to face. I hope that listening to an entire country by their side could be a relief for them, the sweetness of a hug.

The two girls were found in Pescara by the police, intervened after a report of a young citizen. Now, no matter what happened, why it happened and how it happened. Now it is important that this story has had a well deserved happy ending.

The community of Fidenza was splendid and showed it again. Now the best way to embrace our fellow countrymen, I think, is to let them find the embrace of their loved ones and handle with the utmost intimacy a moment that must be theirs and them alone.

Special thanks to the Parma Mobile Team for the extraordinary coordination work that led to the filtering of all the messages, the communications that we have transmitted from time to time. Thank you also to the prefect Giuseppe Forlani, for the decisive way in which he has made the voice of our territory heard so that the slightest clue is not neglected. " (reda)

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