Meet Trump-May as a Lover in Reality – Last Time


(ANSA) – ROME, JULY 13 – "A friend who intimidates us, is no longer a
our friend. And since bullies must respond with the
force, from now on I will be ready to be much stronger. "
So British Prime Minister Hugh Grant reacted to the aggressive
US President Billy Bob Thornton in a masterful scene
of the movie "Love Actually" that today, after Donald's attack
Trump on the Sun is raging on the media and social media. "Here are some
suggestion "for Theresa May, someone writing the video
of the press conference presented in the Richard Curtis film
of 2003. "I'm afraid our relationship has become bad
relationship based on the president who takes exactly what
wants, ignoring what is important for Britain ",
Hugh Grant answered a president who has many traits
in common with the current tenant of the White House. Included
pbadion for women. In the comedy to spark the motion of
the PM's patriotism are the advances of the US announcement 'bully & # 39;
an badistant he had fallen in love with.


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