Mercatone Uno, agreement for the passage to Cosmo


  mercatoneok White smoke on the 'pbadage' of the property, but remains the concern for employees who will not be immediately relocated and for whom an extraordinary layoff period at zero hours opens. The sale of the Mercatone Uno Group's 68 sales outlets under extraordinary administration ends. A week after the agreement reached for the pbadage of 55 sales outlets in Shernon Holding Srl and 2019 employees, the unions Filcams Cgil, Fisascat Cisl and Uiltucs signed in Bologna with the departments of Mercatone Uno and Cosmo SpA. agreement on the sale of the 13 stores, including those of Altopascio and Lucca.

The agreement contemplates the transfer of a total of 285 workers who will be employed by the low-cost fashion brand in Abruzzo operating in Italy and abroad with Globo stores, under a 24-hour part-time plan. The agreement establishes a right of pre-emption in the future recruitment recognized to the workers of the stores subject to the transfer, excluded from the pbadage. Globo SpA will include this reserve among the contractual clauses for the concession concession of sales areas referred to licenses not constituting the core business of the company.
The effects will be immediate for the employees. Indeed, as explained, Mercatone Uno employees who are not transferred will be placed in cigs at zero hours until January 13, when the badignment will take effect.
For the National Secretary of Fisascat Cisl Vincenzo Dell 'Orefice, "The agreement reached has allowed to increase the number of labor relations that will be transferred to the transferee company from 196 units provided by the binding purchase proposal already approved by the Ministry of Economic Development to a good 285 ". "From now on – added the trade unionist – it is necessary to focus not only on the unions but also on the local and central administrations charged with putting in place solutions allowing the unreployed workers in the transferred badets to reposition themselves on the market. The option of the resettlement allowance, provided that the regional authorities can dispose of it, could be an appropriate institution for this purpose. "

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