After Prague and Budapest, even Warsaw denies that there are new agreements to host asylum seekers from other European states. Poland is the third country on the list of the 14 countries cited by Angela Merkel as European partners that would have an agreement to speed up the procedures for rejecting migrants registered elsewhere.
With regard to these denials of the eastern countries, the Chancellor said: I am sorry for the misunderstandings, we have not stipulated any agreements, but there is an exchange at the political level, specified during the usual summer interview at the ZDF,
Waiting for the verdicts of the two allies
The clarification of Warsaw complicates an already difficult day for the Chancellor, put under pressure of migrants by his fellow leaders: for her today the day of truth. The Allied Csu, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, should say he considers sufficient measures that Merkel put on the immigration table upon his return from the European Council.
There will be important meetings today. Before that, I can not anticipate the result. I'm doing everything I can, so that there are results in the CDU and in the CSU said Angela Merkel during the interview to Zdf that will air in the evening.
Today 's meetings could determine the future of GroKo' s government: first that of the CSU in Monaco; then those of Merkel's CDU in Berlin. Meetings after the closed meeting last night in Berlin between Merkel and Seehofer: both were seen with very tense faces in an interview on the balcony of his office. Bild reports that, according to sources consulted, it is still unclear whether the two have reached an agreement at the stationery meeting. Which means that a break between Cdu and Csu, allied for 70 years, can not yet be ruled out.
Agreement with Rome Impossible
When the refusal of Rome, Merkel said: An agreement with Italy was not possible
. Italy wants to first get a reduction of migrants arriving in this country. The Prime Minister said that they had the impression that they had long been left behind, said Angela Merkel to Zdf
July 1, 2018 (change July 1, 2018 | 16:06)
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