Mexico, historic victory for leftist leader Obrador


The other candidate given to the third Jose Antonio Meade, of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (Pri), acknowledged the victory of Lopez Obrador in a televised speech


The exit They speak of a landslide victory of leftist populist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in the Mexican elections, with one of his main rivals who has already acknowledged defeat.

According to Consulta Mitofsky's poll, Lopez Obrador would have a 16-26% advantage over his closest rival, conservative Ricardo Anaya. The other candidate given to the third, Jose Antonio Meade, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Pri), acknowledged the victory of Lopez Obrador in a televised speech: "For the good of Mexico, I wish him the greatest success", did he declare. . The first to vote among the Mexican presidential candidates, yesterday the leader of the Morena movement, Andrés Manuel Lpez Obrador, said that "we are living a historic day".

The reporters who were waiting at the beginning of his Mexico City headquarters "Amlo", as we know it by the acronym of his name, said: "We are living a historic day, the Mexican people will decide freely who will lead the government for the next six years. " We, he added, "represent the possibility of a genuine change, a transformation, and it is an important day". More than an election, he observed, "it's a referendum, a plebiscite, people decide to always have the same or really change, and we think voters will give us their support to start the fourth Transformation of Life

US President Donald Trump congratulated Morena candidate Andrés Manuel Lpez Obrador on Twitter for his victory in the Mexican presidential elections.
"Congratulations to Lopez Obrador for becoming the new President of Mexico ", he tweeted on Trump, adding," I can not wait to work with him. "There is a lot to be done for the United States and Mexico!

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