Mexico turns left, Lopez Obrador wins: he is the new president


"A government of the people, for the people and with the people". This is the promise with which the winner of the Mexican presidential election, Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, turned to the thousands of supporters who were waiting for him on Zcalo's historic square to listen launch the traditional "Grito", pronounced for the first time 210 years it is for the national independence and traditionally repeated by the protagonists of the big political companies. And that of Amlo, as he was renamed for the acronym of his name, was a truly historic success, of such dimensions to make possible the fourth great transformation that he promised during the election campaign for Mexico, after independence, Reform and Revolution

Analysts note that 53.8% of votes obtained according to the "Quick Account of the Government and the absolute majority in both branches of Parliament provide him with the right to vote." weapon he needed to finally demolish the system. " traditional parties and start the battle against the two great plagues that plague Mexican society: corruption and violence. To succeed in this difficult challenge for the poorest segments of the population, Amlo turned to his opponents by inviting them to "national reconciliation", "putting aside differences" to "move our country forward" ". In his third attempt to obtain the highest office in the country, Lopez Obrador did and will remember, regardless of future results, as the personality who led the first left-wing government in the history of Mexico. US President Donald Trump was the first foreign leader to celebrate the success of center-left candidate Morena. In a tweet he badured that he was "very anxious to be able to work with him."

There is much to do to do good in the United States and Mexico! "And the newly elected president immediately responded by saying that" relations between the two big neighboring countries will have to develop in a climate of mutual respect and a level playing field. "Remembering, in an interview with Televisa TV, that "12 million Mexicans live in the US" .The establishment of a positive climate will be crucial because on the table of a future bilateral negotiation there are thorny issues like immigrants, with the wall problem sought by Trump, and the reform of the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), which the mogul considers disadvantageous for the US For weeks, it was estimated that the rise of Amlo was irrepressible and that there were no more obstacles to his victory, even though badysts had maintained conditionality for the twists and turns that often occurred in Mexico after the elections. # 39; y was not and nothing was worth the accusations against Amlo being "the Mexican Chávez" and a "dangerous populist". His success was immediately clear, leading the main opponents – Ricardo Anaya (Pan-Prd) and Jose Antonio Meade (Pri) – to grant victory even before the National Electoral Institute (Ine) provided the results. The task now waiting for Amlo is not the easiest. But its success could generate a new wind on the Latin American continent, where conservative governments have been imposed in recent years in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador. The first verification of this will be the presidential vote of October 7 in Brazil where, even in prison for corruption, the former president Inacio Lula da Silva maintains a great popular consensus

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