Mexico without clouds


The victory of Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, AMLO, for more than 30 points compared to the second arrival has a historical dimension. Not only because it will be the first president expression of the Mexican left, but because it was the catalyst for a real revolt against the state of affairs that took place in the vote to the candidate "clean", different and out of the "round" that ruled the country for the last 20 years

In fact, Mexico did not win the ideological vote, which was certainly there, but the difference was made by angry citizens and especially millennials, a third of the population in Mexico, who voted overwhelmingly for Obrador, as had already happened in Great Britain for Corbyn or in the United States for Sanders.

A desperate vote, for those who do not see ahead of them a future that is not made work precariously or fleeing abroad and fearing uncontrollable violence that can affect anybody . Mexico actually has the sad record of the murdered dead, on several countries at war. These are numbers that are hard to estimate, but cool. In the past 15 years, more than 120,000 people have been killed in the fight against drugs, and around 70,000 missing. Without justice comes the head of nothing, with the cartels stronger than before and the representatives of the state and politics corrupt and collus. That's why the promise of Lopez Obrador, the former popular mayor of Mexico City, to wipe out corruption and drug cartels has been so successful. Because he's credible as a politician out of the flock and because the situation could not get worse.

But AMLO is not a new generation populist. His political background goes back to the values ​​and ideas of the Latin American nationalist left, with strong statist convictions in a country that has undergone heavy neoliberal reforms promoted by the heir to the party of the Revolution, now almost extinct.

with the United States, on which 80% of the country's foreign trade depends. Geographically, North America, the United States, Canada and Mexico are one of the world's most integrated regions from the point of view of production and the jolts produced by policies, only announced by Donald Trump to discuss the Nafta Agreement. 19659006] Lopez Obrador has already revived on this theme, promising that he will promote a change of direction from the questionable agreement signed in 1994, and that will propose to move from the exchange of goods to a pact of development following the inspiration of John F. Kennedy who launched the Alliance for Progress in the 1960s. The main purpose of the AMLO proposal is however to focus resources among members of the North to foster the development of Central America, land shaken by social conflict and the prey of criminal gangs from which most migrants want to enter the United States. Central America is Libya in the United States, and they know it in Washington.

AMLO will not go unnoticed, that's for sure. He will not be a mere bureaucrat at the service of the powerful and criminal powers of Mexico, who drops his head in front of Donald Trump. He is the only one who can think of the United States in terms of partnership and not closure. A challenge may be greater than that of the fight against internal corruption already announced as a priority. Democratic Mexico has said enough with the vote, and for the first time has rewarded the left. A historical responsibility.

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