"Migrant camps in Africa" ​​Mattarella invokes EU solidarity


Migration is a phenomenon of enormous importance that no country can face alone. Either we face together or overwhelm everyone, even those who feel immune because they are far from the shores of the Mediterranean. Today, with 85% less landings, we can consider the issue rationally. But if we do not govern such a challenge, we will find the pace of recent years. In short, we must solve the problems that cause so many people to emigrate to Africa. We have to organize asylum seeker camps under the aegis of the UN. And grant aid to the African continent and open legal and controlled arrival routes, cutting off human trafficking.

After the theme of migrants ignited the political debate with us and created a domino effect in several states of Europa, Sergio Mattarella decides to support the government with a proposal in his own way. By badociating human rights with the duties of solidarity and concrete realism, on the fact that Italy, although with some contradictions, has traveled to the recent summit of the EU , while avoiding breakage. Of course, the hintspots on the hotspots (the identification centers from which to relocate or repatriate those fleeing war or poverty), the President has done other times. Never for so worried. Never with such explicit support for the strategy that the Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero, at his side during the visit of the Baltic republics, evokes from Riga, signaling the urgency of creating centers in the coastal countries of the Mediterranean to ensure dignified humanitarian conditions

So we need synergies. This is confirmed by the progressive imbalance of the geopolitical atlas. Half a century, Africa will have two and a half billion inhabitants and 750 million Europe. The pressure does not exclude anyone, says Mattarella to Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis, the year when the centenary of independence is celebrated here. Like his Estonian and Lithuanian colleagues, Vejonis is not insensitive to the question: these countries, in fact, differing from the Visegrad group, the rebel clubs of the EU, have accepted relocations and contributed to the European fund for Africa

. of the head of state has a plural valence . When he claims that no one can do it alone and urges the Union to find momentum for a common policy, it goes beyond the issue of migrants. Everything is reserved for him: migration, the common market and the banking union, security. In the end, the importance of the borders of the Mediterranean as well as those of the East. It is therefore necessary to revive solidarity relations within the EU and NATO. A reference that aims to rebadure this extreme outpost towards the East, where you are anxiously living the new protagonism of Russia, in fear of a resumption of the Crimean affair. Mattarella confirms the active role of Italy, which has a quota of 160 men here. And, on the eve of the NATO summit, it reaffirms a long-term commitment, because the security of a country is the security of all

July 3, 2018 (Amendment July 3, 2018 | 21 : 34)

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