United States
The president sent a message to migrants via Twitter. "To those who are in the caravans: go back – he said – we will not allow illegal immigrants to enter the US Go back to your country and if you want to apply for US citizenship as the make millions of others "
As the caravan of migrants from Central America heads north and the mid-term elections draw near, the US president promises to take cover with unprecedented measures . As a first response, Donald Trump plans to send 800 troops to the Mexican border to stop migrant caravans. According to reports from White House officials, Pentagon chief James Mattis is expected to sign the order soon.
Trump sent a message to migrants via Twitter. "To those who are in the caravans: come back – he says – we will not allow illegals to enter the US Go back to your country and if you want to apply for US citizenship as do millions of Americans." 39; other. "
For those who are in the caravan, the turnaround, we do not let people enter the United States illegally. Go back to your country and if you wish, ask for citizenship as do millions of others!
– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2018
Close the border with Mexico
But the president does not limit himself to exhorting on social media. He would consider signing a decree to close the Mexican border to migrants, even to asylum seekers. The New York Times writes, citing people close to the issue and pointing out that this would be a strong new indication that Trump, prior to the mid-term elections, aims to galvanize his anti-migrant base in an attempt to maintain the Republican majority. in Congress.
Latest news: President Trump is considering action by the Bar Association for migrants entering the United States. of Mexico, as part of a pre-election campaign to play against its base: //t.co/FMZzPBkiPL
– The New York Times (@nytimes) October 26, 2018
The proposal provides for the mbadive use of presidential powers to strengthen the border and impose aggressive immigration control measures on the line that immediately characterized the Trump presidency. Like its other measures, it risks being rejected by federal courts.
In recent days, Trump has taken or threatened to take a series of strict anti-immigration measures, such as sending at least 800 soldiers to protect the Mexican border. The President has appropriated its objectives in communicating the coravana of migrants, especially Hondurans, who cross Mexico from the north.
In recent days, he said that there were "unknowns from the Middle East" among the participants who "mixed" with the people and accused the Democrats of having favored their formation.
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