MIgranti, Open Arms in Palma denounces Italy and Libya for manslaughter. Viminale: "It's the NGOs that lie"


Open Arms announces denouncing the governments of Libya and Italy for involuntary manslaughter . "I hope that the Spanish prosecutor will investigate the Libyan and Italian Coast Guard ," said the founder Oscar Camps at a conference on the arrival of the ship from the NGO to Palma de Mallorca . "NGOs who insinuate, flee threaten the complaints but do not openly disclose lenders and activities.We will denounce who, with lies and falsehoods, delivers involved the immense work of rescue and reception conducted by Italy ". This is the answer that comes from the sources of Viminale at the announcement of Proactiva. "I'm sorry, but Open Arms bad purpose .Italy is an example in the Mediterranean for humanitarian aid and efficiency.The figures speak.We had given the availability to treat Josepha and open the port of Catania. The instrumental controversies do not interest us, we work to avoid deaths at sea ", is rather the Twitter response of the Minister of Infrastructure Danilo Toninelli .

"We also denounced the head of the Libyan oil tanker for rescue failure and homicide," Camps added. Accompanied by the player Nba Marc Gasol after berth at the port, he immediately went to court where he presented complaint for what happened in recent days before Libya . In fact, it is the Spanish NGO that found a woman and a child died at sea, as well as another surviving woman hanging on the remains from a broken ship . Open Arms accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving the barge sunk and to die both. A practice that was confirmed to Fatto Quotidiano by several military sources

"The Italian Coast Guard was never involved in the lifeboat inflated later" by Open Arms. Questioned by Ansa after the denunciation of the NGO, the General Command of the Coast Guard clarifies what happened. And he explains that "after the discovery was given full availability to transfer the woman, still alive, to Italy, to receive health care badistance ". And "also had the opportunity to reach the port of Catania where landing operations would be carried out for all the migrants on board."

Italy "accuses us of defamation and insult ," adds Camps. "It is unthinkable that a country of the European Union finances Militias of Traffickers and Organized Crime Gangs in Libya – Instead Erasmo Palazzotto – When I Will Return to My Country, I Will Ask the Italian Government to make public the data about what happened at the place where the mother was found dead with the child, and see if there is the responsibility of the Italian government and the coast guard in the murder, "explained the MP for Free and Equal invited aboard the Open Arms.

Spanish media: "Josefa will submit a complaint" – With the ship Open Arms in Palma de Mallorca also arrived Jose fa the woman of Cameroonian origin stayed during two days at sea among the remains of a rubber dinghy and rescued on July 17 last. A delegation of the government of Balearic with the health authorities, including a psychologist boarded the ship. After identification of the survivor, the woman will be entrusted to Croce Rossa who will transfer her to the hospital. According to Diario de Mallorca one of the leading newspapers on the island, Josefa will denounce Libya and Italy for what happened . The woman will most likely spend the night at the hospital. Then he must move to the convent of Son Rapinya the district of the city of Palma de Mallorca where the refugees who were aboard the ship Aquarius docked a month ago in Valencia after the step of the Italian government. "The complaint of Josefa? Someone exploited a victim for political purposes," responded the sources of the Viminale

Investigation opened on the four dead Somalis – [19659012] Ad Agrigento instead, the Procura investigation of four dead at sea in the history of migrants that lasted last Saturday between Linosa and Lampedusa were rescued by the ship Monte Sperone from the Guardia di Finanza and Italian patrol boats. According to the testimonies of migrants who then landed in Pozzallo at least four Somalis including a child, disappeared. Also at Ragusa there is a record and the investigating judge validated the arrest of 11 smugglers but dropped the death charge to the Following another crime: the missing migrants would indeed be launched at sea voluntarily. Now, however, the Prosecutor of Agrigento intends to deepen the circumstances under which the four would be drowned.

Nave Sarost 5, the 40 at sea for nine days – The Tunisian Red Crescent declared that the conditions of 40 migrants aboard the vessel Sarost 5 to which it has not yet been allowed to dock, are deteriorating. Mongi Slim told Ap that "the sanitary and psychological situation is very serious". The migrants have been at sea for at least nine days . Crescent staff have risen today to help the migrants. The vessel requested permission Tunisia to dock at the port of Zarzis after the refusal of the authorities of Malta France and Italy .

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