Migrants, 66 Tunisians rescued off Pantelleria: they are heading for Trapani


In the night, 66 Tunisian-born migrants were rescued off Pantelleria

Refugees were aboard a boat that was heading to the island when they arrived. they were identified and rescued by two Coast Guard patrolmen.

The 66 people are now on board the two boats and are heading towards the port of Trapani

There are also women and children.

Italian coastguards warned of the presence of boats carrying migrants from Tunisian military authorities

According to the report, the boat refused to salvage Libya and continued sailing to the coast of Sicily.

Meanwhile, the commercial vessel Sarost 5, the cargo supply of the gas company Miskar continues to be stopped off the Tunisian coast.

According to InfoMigrants Tunisia, Malta and Italy refused to grant the port and for the time being no port has yet been designated to dock the vessel.

"On board there is a wounded man and a pregnant woman, food and water are coming to an end", they had reported from Sarost5 already on Wednesday, July 18th, the day the rescue took place [19659002] The remaining food is only sufficient for the next 24 hours.

Yesterday, July 19, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, hailed Spain for hosting migrants and condemned other countries that have "turned their backs on others".

This was stated during a speech in Madrid on new perspectives for the future of Europe

Juncker arrived after the ship of NGO Open Arms decided to go to Spain after rescuing migrants off Libya.

About 80 miles off the coast of Libya on July 17, the remains of a ghommon destroyed and saved a woman who saved herself after hours remaining hanging on a table

The rescuers of Proactiva Open Arms intervened on the spot, also recovered the corpses of a woman and a child (here photos of rescue operations) [19659002] The choice of docking port fell on Spain as its ports are considered by Open Arms as safer for women than in Italy. [19659017]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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