Migrants, Austria ready to "close" the border with Italy after the agreement in Germany


The agreement reached the night between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer under the supervision of the Speaker of the Parliament Wolfgang Schauble on secondary migration, or on the applicants. As a registered asylum in a country that then move into the Schengen area, it provides two things. The first: the opening of transit centers in Germany. These are structures in which these people will be arrested and will see if they have already applied for asylum in another EU country.

The Altitude of Vienna: ready to protect our southern border

From where the second Substantial novelty: once verified that the person of the country of the first landing, especially Italy and Greece, reached Germany, phase B will begin This morning Seehofer explained it. In an effort to reduce the level of tension with the Austrian Chancellery, the German minister said that the transit centers of migrants will not be detention centers. And he added: "We do not lock people in. People will be able to return freely to Austria if they want to, but they will not be allowed to enter Germany." D & # 39; where the badbadination of the Kurz government, which warned to be ready to put in place "measures to protect its southern borders".

The risk of a long stay in transit centers

transit centers on German territory, migrants will be identified to see if they have already requested asylum in d & # 39; 39, other European countries. If this is the case, it will still be necessary to obtain an administrative consent from the state of first entry into the EU so that these people can be resumed. Given that the green light for the country of first landing is far from obvious, the time spent by migrants within these facilities could be longer. And this discovery could convince them of the opportunity to stay in the first landing countries, and therefore (also) in Italy.

After the mixed results of the European Council now the narrow German

After the few relevant results recorded in the conclusions of the European Council of 28 June – in point 11 Berlin got that it recognizes that the secondary movements may jeopardize the integrity of the European Asylum System and Schenghen and that the Member States, for that reason, should take all the necessary legislative and administrative measures to counter the situation in Germany. now aims at more concrete solutions, which actually restrict the principle of free movement of people within the EU. A strategy born from the need to save the government.

The solution of the transit centers will weigh on Italy

It is a solution "to safeguard the European spirit and put some order" on secondary movements, said Chancellor Merkel. But at the same time it is a solution that, it is easy to predict, will also have effects on Italy. The prefiguring closure, in fact, sends a clear message to migrants who evaluate the hypothesis of reaching Germany after landing in Italy (those that the agreement defines as "applicants for"). Unsuitable asylum "). If you do so, calculate that you could stay in these transit centers for a period that may not be short. Given that France and Austria have in the past badumed very rigid positions on external border controls for anti-illegal immigration – think of Ventimiglia's precedents or the threat of Vienna to place the military on the border – once arrived in Italy these people could not reach other European countries.

Another map of Merkel: the bilateral agreements (but Rome says no)

The measure of the permanent transit centers is accompanied by another solution, which is that of the bilateral agreements that the Germans have concluded on the occasion of the last European summit with Spain and Greece to bring back to Madrid and Athens the people who, having sought asylum in these countries, reached Germany . With Italy Merkel has not signed a similar agreement. Hence the decision to implement on their territory checks on economic migrants that Italy has not succeeded or had no intention to guarantee.

The question of human rights: what will the German Social Democrats do?

However, the problem remains that these centers can not guarantee respect for human rights. The shoulder confirmed at the last minute by the Bavarian government of Csu, who would otherwise have been a minority, may not be enough: the solution could be criticized, precisely in its pbadages that would seem to threaten the rights of people, the third party of the coalition that supports the executive, the SPD. If on one side the Social Democrats welcomed the end of the clash between Cdu and Csu on the discharges at the border, on the other hand, they took time. They ask to submit to their experts the solution of transit centers for migrants registered in other countries.

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