Migrants, authorized the landing of 450 people in Pozzallo


The turn that late in the evening convinced the Interior Minister to authorize the landing of the two ships in the port of Pozzallo the start of negotiations with Belgium. But also the fear that during the night the situation on board – where only the men have remained – can degenerate. The dialogue between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and his colleague Charles Michel bodes well for the possibility that Brussels will also accept a quota of migrants. So the division between a substantial number of states is no longer taboo, even with the wall erected by the eastern countries, only those that Matteo Salvini considers as friends.

But there is a dilemma that still marks the action of the executive : until you have to push when you find yourself dealing with the emergency situation? the political knot that reveals a gap between the League and the M5S and between the leader of the Viminale and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who accidentally wanted to let know that he personally authorized the landing of women and children. It will be true, as explained by a government official, that Salvini's way of acting has disrupted patterns and has become our badet. But in this game, played on the skin of very fragile human beings, individual sensitivity and political formation are variable and should not be underestimated. This could make it difficult for the government to continue on this double track: on the one hand, Salvini, who has a fierce face in tune with the moods of the voters and, on the other hand, the Presidency of the Council and the Ministry foreign affairs that mediate with European chancelleries. On the Sunday of Palazzo Chigi, after the Count's letter to the summit of Europe was marked by successes and disappointments. Saturday the positive response of France and Malta, yesterday the consent of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spain and Portugal and perhaps Sweden and Belgium, have comforted the prime minister and the tenant of the Ministry Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, just diplomatic way. The adhesions of Germany and those of the countries of the central Mediterranean are very important, also because it is not obvious at all, commented the Prime Minister with the collaborators after the whirlwind of contacts with the leaders European. But the negotiations until here fruitless with Austria, the irritation of the Maltese Prime Minister Muscat and the abrasive responses have come from two nations of the Visegrd group to which Salvini looks like models, Hungary and the Czech Republic (Conte's approach the road to hell), have cooled moods. So much so that, unofficially, at Palazzo Chigi the enthusiasm is diluted: the operation is more than positive, but with Austria we have not insisted and we were not expecting mbadive membership, especially Visegrd

. to set an important precedent by avoiding that the conclusions of the June European Council remain a dead letter. Yet this first victory, halved by the No East Falcons, is only one stage of a long journey. Especially as Salvini revives: The next goal will be to bring them back where they left … Beyond the emphatic declarations of the minister, in the halls of Viminale the agitation remains high. The multiplication of departures from Libya, as well as the clash between the Deputy Prime Minister's League and the NGOs, worried the apparatus. It would be enough for another boat with hundreds of migrants on board, victim of a test on one of our military ships in Sicily or of a motion against Italy presented in the European Parliament, to reopen and exacerbate the crisis. This is why the government's strategy is much more ambitious and goes beyond the urgency of spreading migrants beyond the Italian borders. Palazzo Chigi and Farnesina will continue to pressure Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Junker, presidents of the Council and the European Commission, as the conclusions of the summit at the end of June are made operational. And they look to the next meeting of the Political and Security Committee (Cops) to change Sophia 's mission, so that Italy is no longer the only port of call.

July 15, 2018 (change of July 16, 2018 | 00:54)


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