Migrants from the caravan, Trump: "15 thousand soldiers on the border". Two Hondurans arrested, 2,000 more entering Mexico


"Our army he is deployed. We have 5 thousand soldiers, we will come to 10-15000". This is the last gesture announced by the US President Donald Trump to stop the Honduran caravan that had been coming from Central America to the United States for more than two weeks. Speaking with reporters in the White House gardens, Trump further increased the number of five thousand soldiers he had referred to last Monday, already much higher than the 800 which was discussed at the beginning. And this despite the migrating human river – now very small: of the 7,000 who entered Mexico have not stayed more than 4,000 – is still in Juchitan, in the state of Oaxaca, a town 700 km south of the capital, Mexico City, and many weeks to walk from the border.

Meanwhile, however, there is at least another group of fed migrants who left their country of origin at the example of their compatriots. I am around from 2 thousand, Rio Suchiate that separates Guatemala from Mexico and which, like their predecessors, was adopted on Tuesday rejected the offer of the Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto, which would have guaranteed them temporary work permits subject to asylum applications. The Mexican Ministry of the Interior has announced that two Hondurans sought by the courts in their country, one for the triple murder and the other for drug trafficking, were arrested and returned to Honduras by plane. However, the authorities did not specify which of the two caravans was traveling.

Trump has launched new ones in the last few days anathemas on Twitter against the Caminantes. "The world uses ours laws to our disadvantage – he thundered – they laugh of the stupidity that they see! There are gods in these caravans guerrillas, very difficult subjects, "that the Mexican soldiers" could not or did not want to stop. "" We will mobilize the army on the southern border, "he writes again." We will not let in these caravans in which they are also found offenders and gang members in the United States. Our border is sacred, they must enter legally. Return! "

Our soldiers are mobilized on the southern border. Many more troops to come. We will not let these caravans, which are also made up of very bad thugs and gang members, enter the United States. Our border is sacred, must be legally. TURN!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2018

And Tuesday arrived in Juchitan, the city where is currently the first caravan, a reserve of humanitarian aid Coming from Mexico City, it includes two medical units equipped with a laboratory, examination tables, ultrasound equipment and electrocardiograms, through which refugees can be subjected to medical examinations . The Mexican Human Rights Commission also said in a note that the staff of the Attorney General's office was in Juchitan to provide support to migrants who needed counseling. legal and information about their migration status.

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