Migrants, Italy 10 patrol boats and 2 ships in Libya: a decree arrives


Italy will donate 10 Coast Guard patrol boats and two Guardia di Finanza naval units to Libya. which provides for the draft decree law to review the pre-council of ministers today, that for the operation allocates 1 million and 150 thousand euros [19659002] plus another 1.3 million in two years for the maintenance of the means and the training of the personnel of the Navy and the Libyan Coast Guard.

Meanwhile, on Twitter the ship of the German NGO Seawatch denounces: At the request to leave the port we learn that the ship subjected to arrested. The port authority does not provide technical-legal reasons . We receive it as a deliberate restriction of our freedom to prevent rescue activity .

The tweet with which Seawatch announces the seizure of its ship by the Maltese authorities (Ansa)

Yesterday inscribed a new shipwreck off the Libyan coast and 63 migrants are missing. And the tragic number of deaths increases. There are 170 dead in 48 hours, we want officials, reports the NGO Open Arms. On the social networks, Interior Minister Matteo Salvini thanks the Carabineri who arrested this morning 17 people in Palermo on the theme of immigrants and arms trafficking. And the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, evokes a European solution to the problem of migration . And he announces: We must stop the migratory flows in Libya, that 's why in the coming days it will be in Tripoli and then I will go to Niger.

SEE THE VIDEO: The EU agreement on migrants: voluntary home and special ships controlled by Ong

The contents of the decree

The decree consists of 4 articles. The first establishes that authorized, in accordance with the specific agreements with the competent Libyan authorities and in accordance with the international and European provisions in force in
regarding the sanctions, the free badignment until the end of the year. to a maximum of 10 Cp Naval Units, Clbad 500, supplied to the Port Authority Corps – Coast Guard and up to a maximum of 2 naval units from 27 meters, clbad Corrubia, provided to the Guardia di Finanza. For the restoration of efficiency, structural adjustment and transfer to Libya, Article 1 of the decree provides for a budget of one million and 150 thousand euros . One million and 370 thousand euros are, on the contrary, allocated to section 2 for the maintenance of naval units, for the carrying out of the training and training activities of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard personnel. of the Libyan Navy, to strengthen their operational capabilities in the fight against illegal immigration and human trafficking.

"The success again, another sinking More than 17 dead in 48 hours, we want the executioners"

Open Arms, Ong

The dl: urgent to strengthen the Libyan Coast Guard

In the draft provision that will go to the Council of Ministers, the government supports an extraordinary and urgent need to increase the operational capacity of the Libyan Coast Guard and the Navy. And the sale of the means is intended to ensure the safety of navigation in the Mediterranean, having two priorities: the need to fight against human trafficking and the protection of human life at sea. Clbad 500 "Coast Guard" boats are ten meter fiberglbad boats, with a range of 200 miles and a maximum speed of 35 knots; GDF's two "Clbad Corrubia" naval units are 27-meter boats that can reach 43 knots and a cruising speed of 21 knots – 800 miles or 36 hours. The crew of 14 people.

Open Arms: 170 dead in 48 hours, we want the perpetrators

to reproduce, another shipwreck. More than 17 dead in 48 hours, we want officials, denounces the NGO Open Arms in a tweet, publishing a video of the founder Oscar Camps, who is aboard the ship heading to Barcelona. Aquarius in Marseille, the Lifeline seizes Malta, Sea Watch can not leave Malta, the Open Arms go to Barcelona to land 60 people. Meanwhile, another 63 people died, a shame and hope that responsibilities will be identified. What happens in the Mediterranean, he adds, is absolutely illegal and outside international maritime law.

The EU agreement on migrants: voluntary home and ships under special control

Arrest by migrant smuggling, thanks to Salvini

In these hours the carabineros have arrested 55 Mafioso, plus 17 other criminals smuggling weapons and illegal immigrants related to Cosa Nostra and Islamic terrorism. THANK YOU on behalf of all Italians, the week starts well! Thus writes the Minister of the Interior, commenting on the functioning of the Carabinieri of the information nucleus of Palermo who routed a criminal organization in connection with Cosa Nostra, to which he sold weapons, and with the Albanian paramilitary group New UCK , linked to jihadist circles

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