Visit to Estonia
The Head of State: There is the Duty of a Common Government of the Migratory Phenomenon
"From 2017 to mid-2018 arrivals across the Mediterranean in Italy they decreased by 85%, the pressure has dropped and this should allow all governments, as their responsibility, the rationality without yielding to the emotions. "
The head of state Sergio Mattarella says so. "Talking about borders to close is not rational but responds to the emotionality experienced or awakened.Political responsibility requires the rationality and common governance of the phenomenon.It is possible, there is the duty to do."
The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, at a press conference at the end of talks with the President of the Republic of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid
"What m & # What is most interesting is what the EU can do from now on to cope with the phenomenon of migration The results of the European Council in recent days are encouraging because they have realized that the problem is a set of the Union, and not of its individual components, and that it must be resolved by sharing responsibilities. "
" operational decisions but it is the place to indicate criteria , of course, it will then be necessary to give them concrete results with operational decisions and I am convinced that there are possibilities to reach them and positively ", he underlines
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