Migrants, Mattarella: "No country in the EU can tackle the problem alone"


"No country can face all the important challenges we face in this historic moment: migrations such as security the environment the financial crisis ". This was declared by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella at the end of the conversation with the Latvian President Raimonds Vejonis . The head of state explained that with Vejonis there was talk of the EU and NATO (of which Latvia is a part). "All the problems – adds the President – call for intense solidarity, the European Union must find a new impetus in solidarity and in its common policy."

As far as NATO is concerned, Mattarella explains that the security that "guarantees a common security that we need to mutually ensure.The security of every country of the Union and the Alliance is also the security of all. other countries, so Italy participates with conviction and intensely in collaboration.We confirmed with Minister Moavero the commitment to NATO for safety not to be in any way whatsoever. a single state but of common security "and on the other hand" membership of the EU and NATO marks Italian foreign policy "adds Mattarella. "In this condition that the world presents, it is necessary to revitalize as much as possible the relations of solidarity in the EU and in NATO," stresses the importance of NATO, stresses the head of state, notably "Eastern and Mediterranean borders", then Russia and North Africa . But for the President of the Republic, it is also necessary to "revive" the "transatlantic" relationship, "keep it firm and reinvigorate it as much as possible". The NATO summit will be an opportunity for this achievement. Transatlantic collaboration is a fundamental point of foreign policy, and international collaboration and participation mark Italian foreign policy. "

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