Migrants, Moavero Milanesi: "If Austria closes the Brenner assumes responsibility"


The Austrian decision to close the Brenner would be "against the spirit of European sharing of the phenomenon of migrants" and those who do not follow this line of division "must take their responsibilities". Minister of Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi expresses on the sidelines of the visit of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, to Latvia. In recent days, the Austrian prime minister had suggested the closure of the border, after the judgment recorded on the issue by the German government.

"A European Problem"

"We had a very difficult and complex European Council which ended with a unanimous agreement on the conclusions which for the first time give a background to European policy on migration, "said the Foreign Minister. "The Council foresees a series of actions which, while being subject to the will of Member States, if they are followed in a virtuous way, will lead Europe to deal with immigration in a consistent way if you do not follow them and if they lead to a voluntary closure, they become a problem that Europe itself has to face. "

3 July 2018 (change 3 July 2018 | 15:59)

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