Migrants: NGO, risk of abortion on a blocked Tunisian ship – World


"According to the Tunisian Red Crescent, which yesterday visited the population aboard the Sarost 5, a six-month-old pregnant woman could lose the baby if she was not evacuated or landed immediately. ". To note it, in a tweet, it's Alarm Phone, an NGO project & # 39; Watch the Med & # 39; who has created a telephone line for migrants in difficulty in the Mediterranean. The woman is one of 40 migrants on the Tunisian ship, stranded for more than 10 days pending the arrival of the ha landing.

#Malta : Politicians and authorities play with people's lives. According to the Red Crescent #Tunisia who visited the boat people on # Sarost5 yesterday, a pregnant woman could lose her baby if she was not evacuated or disembarked immediately . We do not find words to describe our indignation.

– Alarm Phone (@alarm_phone) July 26, 2018

On board, there are two pregnant women: one of six months and another of a few months. The 40 migrants left Libya on July 13 and were rescued in the Maltese search and rescue area aboard the supply ship Sarost 5, which is run by the same-name gas company operating mainly in Tunisia. Then they were taken to Tunisian waters where the ship is still blocked, precisely off the city of Zarzis. Neither the governments of Malta, nor Italy, nor Tunisia have given permission to land in their ports. Last Tuesday, to help the crew and the migrants who were on Sarost 5, the boats arrived with food and medicine. Then the Red Crescent doctors boarded, visiting migrants and offering medicines. According to the Tunisian Red Crescent, the rescued migrants are between 17 and 36 years old and come from Egypt, Bangladesh, Cameroon, Senegal, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire and Sierra Leone.


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