Migrants, Open Arms heads to Spain: "We do not trust Salvini"


Open Arms chose to head to the Spanish coast and asked the Iberian Coast Guard to coordinate the operation Sar (Search and Rescue) which allowed to recover the corpses of a woman on Tuesday morning . a child of a few years and the rescue of a survivor of the sinking at sea, occurred Monday night off the Libyan coast. After a long day dominated by the showdown with Matteo Salvini, Proactiva volunteers explain that "the request stems from the consideration that the hypothesis of landing in an Italian port – the possibility of Catania was communicated only at 11:04 pm Tuesday – however presents several critical factors.The first is constituted by the statements of the Minister of the Interior which defines "lies and insults" the documentation that we offer through the publication of tragic images of the dead bodies in the water According to the monitoring of the site Marine Traffic, the ship is followed a short distance from the yacht Astral, the same NGO catyalana, on which is also the deputy of Leu Erasmo Palazzotto

The preoccupations of the old

"It turns out i incomprehensible, and then – continues the non-governmental organization – because the initial availability to accommodate the woman in a state of severe hypothermia is not accompanied by the same availability for the two found corpses. Always – insists on Open Arms – the repeated announcement of some sort of counter-investigation or against the likely dynamics of the events that occurred Monday night, raises concerns about the protection of the surviving woman and her full freedom to testify in conditions of tranquility and security. " The clash between the Deputy Prime Minister and the Catalan volunteers continues from July 4, when Proactiva is forced to land 60 migrants in Barcelona , after the ban of berthing by Italy and Malta. "Even if Italy closes the ports, she can not put the doors to the sea," replied the l & # 39; NGO on this occasion, which is currently preparing the same maneuver.

The Libyan Question

"All this while the Commission the European Union, the UN, the European Court of Human Rights" 39, man and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs Angers reiterate that Libya is by no means a safe country. For all these reasons – concludes the note – we decided to direct our ships to the Spanish coast. A boat carrying 158 survivors of Monday night's sinking, including 34 women and nine children, has already been transferred by Libyan authorities to a refugee camp in Khoms. "This is the only way to stop human trafficking," says Salvini, saying Libya should be declared a "safe harbor" precisely to allow European military ships to bring people together at sea. Despite the reports of torture, rape and blackmail to which are subjected the guests of the collection centers of the country, and despite the same certifications Viminale that there is no urgency: indeed almost 18 thousand landings from January 1, 2018 to today, 80% less than the same period of 2017, while they had already recorded a 70% decline. "Europe, which could be an opportunity, right now on many fronts, is a problem," Salvini repeated yesterday about the issue of immigration that divides the EU. But in reality since the beginning of the year, Spain has overtaken Italy for the number of arrivals along the western Mediterranean route, hosting about 200 more refugees than we, according to data published by the UN. Of the more than 50,000 migrants who arrived in Europe by sea until July 15, 1,443 lost their lives in the crossing

July 18, 2018 (modification July 18, 2018 | 10:02) [19659009] © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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