Migrants, Orban: Germany returns them to Greece – Europe


"Hungary is not the first entry for migrants, but it is Greece". This is what Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban said today in Berlin at a press conference with Angela Merkel. "It is not up to us to register unregistered migrants arriving from Greece We think that Germany should send the migrant back to Greece and not to Hungary," he added.

"It has been made clear that the Chancellor of Germany and Hungary see the world differently, but we aspire to close cooperation". That's what Victor Orban said today in Berlin at a press conference with Angela Merkel. "On migration, we have very different perspectives – also underlined the Chancellor – concerning Schengen and the distribution of refugees.We collaborate well, however, with regard to Frontex and development in Africa, and the contrast of the reasons for theft. ", Merkel added

" Germany makes decisions, decisions that may require our response ". Thus, the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who asks if he considers the hypothesis of the closure of the Brenner. Austria wants "a European solution", that is, stronger external borders to safeguard Schengen, and has been a "vanguard" in the fight for it. "I do not want to speculate" on what we are going to do. "We are ready for different scenarios," he says

"We do not know what the German decision will be, we will evaluate and decide, trying to avoid the negative effects. with others in Europe, for example with Salvini.European solution and avoid a domino effect "in the Schengen area. Thus the Austrian Vice Chancellor Henz-Christian Strache.


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