Migrants, Parolin: the closure of the ports is not a solution


"With President Mattarella, we talked about international problems. The President came back from a trip to the Baltic weights, we talked about the issue of migrants but naturally in the theme of the EU. On this point, we have already expressed concerns about the closure of the ports, I would say that it is certainly not the solution. "Thus, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin on the sidelines of the presentation of the 2017 budget of Bambino Gesù hospital in Rome answers journalists' questions on the subject of migrants and the topics discussed during the luncheon with the President of the Republic Mattarella

The secretary The Vatican State also discussed the situation in Nicaragua, where the nuncio to Managua, Bishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, was attacked on Monday while he was trying to comfort and help, with the help of his wife. Archbishop of Managua, a group of people who had sought refuge in a Diriamba church "Unfortunately, there are these paramilitary groups that sow terror and violence and even the Nuncio was the victim. I hope that dialogue will resume but the willingness to reach a compromise on both sides is necessary. "When asked if there was a formal protest by the Holy See, Parolin replied: "No. I must say that the Nuncio was able to handle the situation very well"

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