Migrants, Salvini wrote to the prefects: "Closure of asylum applications"


Among the stated objectives were the acceleration of the review of applications and a slowdown in the granting of residence permits for humanitarian reasons. More than 40 million people went from reception to repatriation

"Long periods of waiting impose burdens on the state" – The document first discusses the need reduce the time to review applications. in the reception centers. "Indeed, the long waiting times in the structures" involve significant burdens for the state. "It is therefore necessary that the 50 colleges examining the applications" function at a steady pace (5 days a week). "

Figures – Salvini then notes that the outcome of claims over the last five years is only completed in 7% of cases with the recognition of the 15% receive subsidiary protection, while the residence permit for humanitarian reasons is 25% (increased to 28% this year).

Residence permit for humanitarian reasons – It is an institution introduced into national law in 1998 and provides for the granting of the benefit when "serious humanitarian reasons" are used in cases where the requirements for the recognition of international protection do not exist. According to the Minister, "you have legitimated the presence on the national territory of asylum seekers without the conditions of recognition of international protection, the number of which has gradually increased over time". People have benefited in situations related to "state of health, maternity, minority, tragic personal experience, prolonged stay in Libya, and even be an instrument of integration".

the reasons for entitlement to a humanitarian residence permit "- And humanitarian protection, initially granted for two years, is usually extended automatically, a practice that led to the granting of a residence permit "to a large number of people", who "now remain on the national territory with difficulty of insertion." On this Salvini invites to examine with rigor the "serious reasons" which give the right to a permit of humanitarian stay, which can not be "a simple observation of criticality." The Minister therefore entrusted "the greatest attention" to the commission "to safeguard the primary interests of the community and the rights of the applicants."

"Stop To those who do not have the right "- and Presidents of the Commissions for the Recognition of International Protection, I personally asked for speed and attention in ac picking those who really escape the war but also blocking all those who are not entitled to it ". The Minister of the Interior writes in a tweet about the provision he sent to the prefects

"Pregnant women and children stay in Italy" – "Pregnant women, children and the refugees remain in Italy, the uninitiated who say and write the opposite, "said Matteo Salvini on the anticipations of the circular on humanitarian protection. "The sense of initiative – explains the minister – is to limit an abuse that is done to the detriment of true refugees, out of 43 thousand questions examined, the refugees are 7% while the subsidiary protection reaches 5. Then we have the humanitarian protection paper, is reserved for the limited and residual cases of people who, although not fleeing the war, need protection, but they represent 28% of the cases which reach then 40% with calls, tens of thousands of people, they often become the legitimacy of illegal immigration. "

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