Summit at Palazzo Chigi
The authorization was decided by Minister Toninelli. Salvini: "No to landing without guarantees that end up in prison"
The ship Diciotti della Guardia Costiera heads for Trapani, with 67 migrants rescued at sea from one Italian tug. The announcement of the Ministry of Infrastructure on the green light for disembarking in Trapani
Salvini: no violent landing by Diciotti without prison for violent
"Before granting any permission, j & # 39; look forward to the names, names and nationalities of the violent pirates, who will have to leave the handcuffed ship Diciotti ". That's what Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said. Salvini saw Conte this morning, reaffirming the common line on immigration, then he warned: "I will not allow the landing as long as I will not have the guarantee that the criminals who hijacked a violent ship end up in prison and return to their country. "Thus, the announcement of the Ministry of Infrastructure.
Salvini: 21 thousand fewer arrivals since I am minister
" Since I am Minister from the inside, thanks to the work of people absolutely thick, thanks to the line of firmness, 21,000 fewer immigrants landed compared to the same period last year. "Thus, the Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, speaking to reporters at the end of a meeting with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in Palazzo Chigi. "I'm not happy to want to do even better because fewer landings means fewer deaths," he added.
Count: the risk of immi foreign warrior arrive
"The threats on the southern front concerning terrorism are very important". That's what Prime Minister Giuseppe Conté said when he arrived at the NATO summit in Brussels, stressing the importance of strengthening the NATO center in Naples . "From the immigration itself – he said – the risks and dangers of foreign fighters could come"
Foreign Minister Moavero said: "We are not in the Visegrad group, not even a little bit, not even in the perception and the political line of the Minister of the Interior
Salvini: in Innsbruck I will ask the EU to take care of the costs
"I have a clear idea of what to go for asking" European Innsbruck "and what will happen unlike past ministers and past governments, the numbers in hand have allowed nearly 700,000 people to arrive in a few years. "Thus, the Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, expressing it at the end of a meeting in Palazzo Chigi with Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte "I am available to speak with my colleague from Germany, France and Austria in the". Exclusive national interest, my goal is that a person will come to Italy less than those who have to leave, "added Salvini. Luigi Di Maio argued that it is unthinkable that Italian ports be closed to Italian ships? "I agree, however, it is also unthinkable that Italy continues to bear the social and economic costs that should be in all the countries of the Union – he replied – this will be repeated today in Innsbruck, opening also other fronts of discussion, there are agreements that other countries do not respect and then we will see to put the points on the "I" and to the I will count on our ability to convince. "
In the afternoon, the Minister will travel to Innsbruck where he will meet his German colleague Horst Seehofer before the meeting of the European Ministers of the Interior. Thursday, not easy appointments, where Salvini wants to get more help from Europe to Libya, more sea engagement of the 27 and an increase in relocations. demands on so-called secondary movements, migrants registered in Italy and then traced to other EU countries who want to send them back. The priorities will be included in a document that Viminale technicians are working on.
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