Migrants, the EU returns Hungary and starts the procedure for the "Soros law"


BRUSSELS CORRESPONDENTS – The disagreement between Brussels and Budapest is becoming more serious. The European Commission announced today the referral of Hungary to the European Court of Justice because of the way in which the country treats asylum seekers on its territory.

At the same time, Brussels has always sent a letter of formal notice to the Hungarian government following the adoption of a recent law providing for criminal sanctions against humanitarian organizations that badist migrants (measure which particularly affected the financial organizations and finaltropo George Soros ed.)

Seizure of the EU judicial power comes after the opening of an infringement procedure in December 2015. Among other things, the European Commission accuses the Hungarian government of retaining the asylum seekers in a transit center for more than four weeks, in accordance with European standards. Moreover, Budapest is accused of not offering migrants who request asylum procedures, in fact to repeat them at the border.

Also according to Brussels, Hungary would also violate the rules concerning the return home. migrants. These would not be done individually, but in groups, leaving us to imagine that there are no returns but rejections at the border. Just this week, Budapest has withdrawn from a Global Compact on Migration, wanted by the United Nations and fully dedicated to international cooperation, calling it "dangerous for the world and for Hungary." ".

Even today, the European Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to Budapest because of a new law banning humanitarian organizations from helping migrants arriving in Hungary. The legislation is commonly referred to as the Stop Soros Law, as it particularly affects institutions financed by George Soros, the American financier of Hungarian origin. According to Brussels, the law violates the rules on the right to asylum, limiting the reasons for granting this right. Budapest has two months to respond to the letter

The EU's executive choices lie in a still difficult context for relations between Brussels and some of the capital cities of Europe. ;East. Hungary but also Poland refused to participate in the process of relocation of asylum seekers arriving in Italy and Greece. There is more. Both countries are now considered non-liberal democracies, led by nationalist governments. Victor Orbán was confirmed as prime minister after winning the parliamentary elections in April

In Israel today, the prime minister said that in his country there is "zero tolerance" against the "no tolerance" of the country. Semitism. There has recently been a rapprochement between some Eastern European countries and Israel as a result of a common nationalism. In December, Budapest abstained on a UN statement from US critics for the recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. That said, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has warned Victor Orbán against "neo-fascism" today.

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