Migrants, the European Commission "We do not send them back to Libya"


There is so much talk in those days about the role of the Libyan Coast Guard in the Mediterranean. The roles are clear: Italy (and Europe) seem to want more and more to entrust the Tripoli Marina with the task of patrolling the Sar region near its territorial waters. And it happens. This means, of course, that migrants rescued from the Libyan Coast Guard are loaded onto patrol boats and returned to Libya, instead of crossing the sea aboard a military or humanitarian ship to land in Italy (or in Malta)

. the mystery that NGOs criticize these political choices. For them, Libya is not a safe place to bring back migrants. According to the IOM, there are nearly 10,000 migrants in Libyan centers (only 20), in critical conditions

. That is why today the European Commission wanted to clarify the position of the EU. Spokesperson Natasha Bertaud explained that European flag vessels and boats carrying out sea rescues can not bring migrants back to Libya: " It's against our values, international law and the law European "he said. " We are well aware of the inhuman situation of many migrants in Libya: the UN is working to improve their conditions, and there is an urgent transit mechanism to evacuate these people from Libya " We have seen – Bertaud added – that over the last three years, despite overpopulation of ships at sea, the Mediterranean is more deadly than ever for migrants, because the traffickers has changed, he has adapted to this growing number of ships, we want to change our approach, reduce the number of people who lose their lives in the Mediterranean, and that is why we work with the Libyans . "

Doubts had arisen following the document that emerged last week after the EU summit on migration.In the text made public at the end of the summit, in fact, in point 3, it is writes that "all ships operating in Mediterraneo must comply with the applicable laws and not hinder the operations of the Libyan Coast Guard." The reference, of course, was to NGOs, given that the rope had just ended on Mission Lifeline, accused of having disobeyed the indications of the Italian navy which had given Tripoli the guide of rescue operations.

What does it mean? if the migrants will be recovered from Libyan Navy in the territorial waters or in the region of Sar (also thanks to the patrol boats donated by Italy), it will be the right to bring back the survivors in Libya And the EU will not say anything. On the other hand, if the command is at the head of the Libyan coordination center, all the ships involved will have to follow their orders. No one has excluded (including NGOs). But if to intercept a ship will be a humanitarian ship, a merchant ship or a military boat, then these will have to make a route to an EU country. What is? That's all another problem …

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