Migrants, the mediation of Minister Moavero behind the first diplomatic success


ROMA There is no more Salvini against everyone, now the government that questions Europe, calls for immediate unitary responsibility for the tragedy of migration and gets a first irrefutable result. Finally, Italy begins to be really heard by the shadow of Giuseppe Conte announcing, at eight o'clock in the evening, that the urgent Italian has broken the European wall of indifference and blame. .

Wanting power, I do not abandon the rejoicings on Facebook a very satisfied Salvini for a result that has not hesitated to define the story. And the chairman of the board of directors in the social modality takes his share of merit. Speaking on Facebook in the first person, the People's Lawyer credits telephone exchanges and writes with the 27 European leaders. It is difficult to have the text message in Macron, but meanwhile France like Malta will welcome 50 migrants. Spain and Portugal could do the same, creating an important precedent and realizing for the first time the unity and concrete solidarity desired by Italy. Germany is more reluctant, since at 9:30 pm, Conte had not yet managed to talk with Merkel

. The prime minister's effort to dismantle the image of a reduced head of government to a spokesman for the two major shareholders of the government was obvious. The story is unfinished and there is always the risk of a dramatic escalation of departures and arrivals to keep worries at a high level. Yet yesterday, at Palazzo Chigi, there was an almost euphoric air, generated by the belief of having done the right thing

Salvini's decision to transfer migrants on two military ships, as planned by Corriere . Then the long and warm phone call with the prime minister, in which the minister insisted on the need to keep the Italian ports closed. Finally, the message of the Prime Minister to the presidents and commissioners of the European Council, Donald Tusk and Jean-Claude Juncker, to urge them to immediately follow the conclusions of the European Council of 28 June. A novelty, as the established practice is that EU leaders only set themselves in motion in the middle, long time period.

The letter, by which Italy set aut aut to the European partners gathering the first victory, born between Palazzo Chigi, Viminale and Farnesina and under the watchful eye of the Quirinale. Between the lines we can see the expert hand of the European mechanisms of the minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, who for hours deposited the commas of the text in conformity with Conte. To collect the dividend in terms of consensus will Salvini, but the prime minister and ministers thanked Moavero for the success of the initiative. Tenant Farnesina played a key role in design and mediation. His choice of a formal step which, while avoiding tears and tempering the salvinien forcing, expressed the urgency of an acceleration and put Europe at the test of the consistency.

Luigi Di Maio approves, Danilo Toninelli predicts a long life in the executive and satisfaction also affects the communication capacity of the government. In addition to having scored a first point in Europe, Conte wanted to show internally the concrete and the timing, in an attempt to rebalance the image of a government all the words in the wind and demonstration gestures. Smooth by intemperance and verbal access, the line of firmness of the Northern League is now the same as the executive. We can not show weaknesses, Salvini insisted, taking the credit of more than 27 thousand fewer landings than last year. In this context, the fact that some of the migrants have been transferred to the protective patrol boat, which is part of the EU Frontex mission, is of strategic importance. For the Ministry of the Interior a fundamental precedent because it makes visible how rescue is a community affair. At the Viminale for the red alarm remains. Scafists and human traffickers have resumed their business with big boats, able to accommodate hundreds of desperate. The frequency of arrivals almost tastes like a challenge, so much so that the Ministry of Interior has involved the services to badyze the problem.

July 14, 2018 (modification of July 14, 2018 | 23:35)


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