Migrants, the night of fear is solved by volunteering: it's a clash with Macron


Tomorrow is another day we will see, they had to think of the two great Europeans of Macron and Merkel while they convinced the Prime Minister Conte to sign the most tormented European Council conclusions that Brussels can remember. But the day after the longest night (and no sleep) for the European Union (nine hours of negotiations, the green light only at dawn) proves that the clash in the Old Continent troubled by the issue of immigration is not destined to disappear. now. And the clearest awakening is for Italy, despite the promise of the EU to stay by our side. It all boils down to the trap of the formula for our country, this expression "only on a voluntary basis" that appears in point 6 of the agreement and leaves each country free to decide whether it wishes to welcome "migrants who are saved, in accordance with international law "". One way to say that all other Member States will be able to choose on the opening of reception centers, with the exception of the usual ones: Italy, Spain and Greece, nailed to the Treaty of Dublin

If necessary, clarify it after having collected the Italian signature, it is still President Macron, shot only for a few hours in the man of mediation, (especially from the Mentor Angela Merkel) and immediately returned to the role of sworn enemy of Italy, as now do not stop to blame Matthew Salvini and the hard wing of the Rome government. Yes, because in the meantime, the head of the Elysee is eager to point out that "France will not open centers for the reception of migrants" and that "the concept a country of first come is not erasable. "There are countries of first acceptance in Europe – very clearly explains the French leader – it's the Dublin rule.These countries have a responsibility" and the "agreement" does not exempt from any responsibility ". In short, the Dublin Regulation remains unchanged. Including the obligation to host the countries of first entry such as Italy. Its reform is postponed indefinitely. And the slap for Rome is so strong that after exulting for the agreement early in the morning, just after (meanwhile, he heard Matteo Salvini) Conte handed the helmet: "Macron was tired, we worked until the night melts, I deny it.Article 6 does not refer to a country of first transit and in Article 12 we are talking about the reform of the Dublin Regulation. "In reality , only vague intentions appear in the agreement: "It is necessary to find a consensus on the Dublin regulation to reform it", according to the conclusions. And today, more than ever, this consensus seems far away

It is no coincidence that for the President of the European Council Donald Tusk "we can not speak of success" and only to celebrate "a gigantic victory "(words of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki) are the countries of the Visegrad Group (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary):" Together we have managed to prevent the compulsory redistribution of immigrants ". And they are not the only ones who can be considered satisfied. Angela Merkel, with the indispensable help of France, reaches a readmission agreement on secondary movements with Greece and Spain (Italy is out, "the government's priority is a other, "says the count). Frau Kanzlerin is saved, for the time being, from the caudine forks that allegedly forced Interior Minister Seehofer to secure guarantees of migrants migrating from European coasts to Northern Europe.

It just seems Conte. He claims to have "a little" harbaded the EU, is said to be 80% satisfied and gives 70% to Salvini, who also comments: "I do not trust the words". Meanwhile, we make fun of the curtain of the night: "I am a law professor, I want to use a legal approach," he told his colleagues in Brussels. Forcing the Swede Stefan Lofven and the Bulgarian Boyko Borisov to reply: "I am a former welder" (the first) and "I am a former firefighter" and "this is not the way to negotiate".

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