Migrants, the Viminale blocks an Italian ship that saved 66 migrants


After stopping at NGO ships, the Viminale's red disc for the first time is fired for an Italian ship traveling with a cargo of migrants. The Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, said that he did not intend to indicate a port of call for the boat Vos Thalbada, a flag Floating tricolor flag, with 66 migrants recovered in Libyan waters on board.

The ship, which belongs to a private company and works to monitor the French Total platform in the high Mediterranean Sea, intervened after the warning signal sent by a boat broken down in the waters Libyan sar. The patrolmen of Tripoli, according to the first reenactments, had already been alerted and were about to intervene. But the crew of Vos Thalbada was more diligent and reached the migrants in trouble before the Libyan hulls. The transshipment took place in the middle of the night and there are 66 migrants on the deck of the ship.

A diligence that, however, will not be rewarded by the Italian government, depending on what happens. Because even if the Your Thalbada were heading towards our shores, concentrating on a Sicilian or Calabrian bridge, they would not receive the green light of the landing of Viminale

Salvini on this point – who acted these last weeks in agreement Danilo Toninelli, colleague in charge of transport, is adamant and confirms the strategy. And this even though it is not one of the non-governmental vessels to which it was declared "war" by Palazzo Chigi and Viminale. In addition, a revision of the rules of engagement for rescue operations, the deputy premier of the League would also introduce for military vessels.

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