Migrants, UNHCR reports a new shipwreck: "63 missing"


There was another shipwreck off Libya After the 100 missing persons, including three children who died after the boat rolled over, there were now 63.

Telling the story with a tweet, it's the Libyan Unhcr. The barge on which a hundred people traveled would be overthrown and would have swallowed about 63 people in the sea not far from Zwara. 41 of them were rescued by the Tripoli Coast Guard.

However, relief personnel sent to the Libya site found no trace of deaths. That's when he claimed Colonel Tawfik al-Sakir, a Libyan Coast Guard official. Those who traveled in the boat and survived, however, contend that many of the people who had been loaded onto the boat disappeared. And indeed the spokesman of the Libyan navy, Ayob Amr Ghasem, confirmed – as he wrote Republic – that there was "surely" a shipwreck with consequent victims: "There is "There are certainly some dead," he said.

This is the second sinking in two days. Yesterday, the Spanish NGO Open Arms has accused the Italy of the death of migrants, charges returned to the sender from Matteo Salvini. The Northern League thesis is clear: if someone dies at a few kilometers from Libya, this may not be the responsibility of Italy.But today, the Open Arms is back on the attack. " It happened again, another damn shipwreck.We want the authors ", wrote on the social Proactiva.In a video, the founder, Oscar Camps, adds:" L & # 39; Quarius is in Marseille, the Lifeline seized in Malta, Sea Watch can not leave Malta, the Open Arms goes to Barcelona to land 60 people. said Camps – today 63 more people have died, more than 170 in 48 hours. It's a shame and I hope the responsibilities are identified . "

Also because this weekend the Libyan navy has worked hard.Over off, in several operations, the coastguards have recovered 220. To reveal it was the Coast Guard itself Facebook So much so that today IOM, according to TgCom reports24, has given warning about overpopulation and "inhumane conditions" in which more than 10,000 migrants would fall in the 20 detention centers in Libya.

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