Migrants: Ventimiglia parade, bishop, demonstration in France – Liguria


"The inhuman attitude of France towards the minors"

"If anyone wants to demonstrate against the French attitude, he will do it in France". This was said by the bishop of the diocese of Ventimiglia-Sanremo Antonio Suetta on the event organized by the collective "Progetto20K" in Ventimiglia for the next 14 July. The bishop agrees with the thought of Mayor Enrico Ioculano, who will ask the prefecture not to allow the event. According to Suetta, "the demonstration can also have its good reasons, but it must be done in France to sensitize the government and the French institutions", guilty, according to the bishop, "to have hermetically closed the borders, creating a cap in Ventimiglia ". Hard bishop comment on the attitude of France towards migrants: "The moral, cultural and intellectual attitude of France in this stubborn work of closing and rejection of migrants is very serious and absolutely inhuman: they are abusive, vexatious and cynical some actions taken, especially against minors ". (ANSA).


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