Milan, a quarrel near a disco: the son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini were injured


The son of Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini, 19 Niccolò Bettarini was injured by a punch near a nightclub in Milan. The young man was badaulted around 5 am Sunday morning, at the exit of the local Old Fashion, after a night out with friends. Four people suspected of aggression . The young man will be operated in the coming days for the wounded brought to one hand.

Bettarini Nccolò, son of art loved by the social

The quarrel and the aggression – The dispute that resulted in the injury of Bettarini allegedly began in the interior of Old Fashion, where the son of Simone Ventura would intervene to defend a friend, the son of a military guard, badaulted by other young people with whom he had quarreled a few weeks ago.

Local bouncers they reportedly let out and one of the attackers reportedly threatened with a knife or punch, which would not have been found yet, Niccolo's friend who prevented nine shots, in various parts of his body. The boy suffered, in particular, from "superficial lesions of the cut on the trunk, abdomen and upper limb," recites the medical bulletin.

A friend: "They were animals" – The friends of the boy were heard by the agents of the mobile brigade and the shuttlebad of the headquarters of the police of Milan. One of them said that the attackers who hit Niccolò "were animals". "I do not know why the fight broke out, but they were fierce against the Betta," said another boy who witnessed the incident. "Three of them – he added – seemed to me drugged, they were 30 or 40 years old, I hope they'll be years in jail."

Simona Ventura: "Fortunately, Niccolò is out of danger" the phone call has arrived that no mother would ever want to receive, fortunately Niccolò is out of danger. "So, Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini: "Against Niccolò 11 stab wounds, but recovering quickly" – Sunday afternoon Simona Ventura and Stefano Bettarini published a note explaining what happened to their son. "This night, our son Niccolò been attacked by many people while trying to defend a friend Fortunately the consequences are not serious, Niccolò is recovering quickly, a miracle saw the 11 strikes infested, hoping that the guilty will soon be brought to justice, We would like to thank everything First the Milan police headquarters, the institutions and the wonderful first aid team of the Niguarda Hospital for being so close to us. "

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