Milan, area B sleigh one month: incentives for the poor and walking bonus – Chronicle


smog in Milan

Milan, November 10, 2018 – Zone B it will come into effect on February 25, 2019 and no longer on January 21, the date initially set by the municipality. a slip of a little more than a month Marco Granelli, City Councilor for Mobility, announced yesterday, at the end of the meeting, that the time needed to provide the campaign with information on the provision, lengthen the panels, prepare the offices to manage the amount of data will come from the 680,000 vehicles a day under the cameras and finally, the Ministry of Transport will obtain all the necessary authorizations for what will be the largest restricted traffic area in Italy.

sliding Apart from this, Palazzo Marino has agreed to two interventions to respond to low income families and street vendors. On the first front, it was decided to extend the incentives for the disposal of polluting vehicles to households whose incomes are equal to or less than 14,000 euros. The municipal announcement was launched in recent weeks, but so far was limited to the replacement of commercial vehicles. The extension of the audience of beneficiaries to the less affluent will be formalized next Friday by an act of the Council but the goal, as anticipated by Granelli, "is to encourage the replacement of diesel cars in the price category between Euro zero and Euro 4 with Euro 6 gasoline, LPG, NGV, hybrid or electric cars. "The Giunta intends to insert displacement-related constraints the purchase of the car you buy and the incentive can only be granted if the car to be replaced is the only one available for families. A measure that is affected by the derogation to the Air Plan launched meanwhile by the Region, a derogation that can benefit, unsurprisingly, families whose income is less than 14,000 euros. The estimate is that there are about 35 thousand in Milan.

So, the itinerant chapter. Many of them have dated means and concessions for market positions expiring only in December 2020. The launch of Zone B thus compromises the possibility of reaching these positions. . Hence the proposal that will be illustrated next week by Granelli to the professional badociations: if their representatives installed on their vehicles black boxes, count-kilometers, the City would allow them to perform, from February 25, 2019 to the 1st December 2020, thousand kilometers inside Zone B without incurring a fine. This concession will only be valid for street vendors equipped with Euro 3 and 4 diesel vehicles. Zone B, it will be recalled, will cover almost the entire municipal territory, will use 188 pbadages equipped with cameras located along the perimeter of the city. city ​​and will prohibit access to the first phase. in Milan for Euro 0, 1, 2 and 3 diesel engines, as well as for Euro 0 gasoline vehicles. This ban will be in effect from Monday to Friday from 7:30 to 19:30. But this will only be valid for entry into the city and not outgoing.

In other words: the pbadage under the cameras installed at the entrances it will be painless if you leave town, even if you are driving a car falling into one of the prohibited categories by zone B. As of February 25, 15 cameras will be active in as many gaps, but the last gaps will still show the signs. The goal set by Granelli is to complete the installation of cameras in the 188 access points by October 1, 2020. After February 25, the second leg of Zone B will begin October 1, 2019 with the stopping the Euro 4 diesel engine already banned from 2017 in zone C. In the meantime, the time has come to make a first badessment of compliance with the air plan launched by the region. In Milan, from October 1 to yesterday, the cars controlled by the local police numbered 3,866 and the fines inflicted by 140. Only eight vehicles were arrested and not sanctioned as beneficiaries of one of the exceptions. to the ban provided by Palazzo Lombardia.

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