Milan, ATM and hi-tech turnstile paper. In the metro, you enter without a ticket


A kind of "telepathic way" for the metro. Atm launches the smart turnstile which gives the possibility of directly paying the incoming ticket by credit card without contact . "One more step to make the city more smart " according to Atm chairman Luca Bianchi. A tool to say goodbye to queues in front of the machines or the tobacco shop. To access the metro, at any station of the urban and extra-urban network, it is now sufficient to bring your map (with Emv technology) closer to the appropriate reader who checks its validity. The activated turnstiles are recognizable by the orange color and will also be used to "vidimare" the exit card. The 113 stops are equipped for the new payment method. "There are 250 active turnstiles – specific to Arrigo Giana, dg of Atm -, by the end of the year, they will rise to 500". The system is also able to calculate the most advantageous fare for the pbadenger. After four 24-hour accesses, for example, the cost of a daily subscription (€ 4.50) instead of four individual tickets (€ 6) is charged. For a list of trips, you can check the account statement or the user profile on the Atm website, when registering.

No fear of the controllers : just show the card that will be verified by a PDA. "Milan wants more and more efficient public transport to be a competitive city," commented Marco Granelli, Mobility Advisor. In fact, the technology is present in less than ten cities around the world, including London, Vancouver and Singapore. Some limits of experimentation. There is no multiple toll at the same time, which means you can not pay for yourself and a friend at the same time. The trip must leave the metro, but may continue on the surface means for the duration provided by a canonical ticket (90 minutes). One can use a smartphone or smartwatch on which his card was scanned, with the foresight to keep the same peripheral in and out. If you do not dabble at the end of the itinerary, the maximum price will be applied depending on the place of entry. The project, carried out in collaboration with Mastercard, Visa and technical support of Aitek, Intesa Sanpaolo, Microsoft and Sia, is already destined to develop. "With 5G technology, we can also have buses and trams on the net," anticipates Giana. It is to extend the use of contactless to the entire fleet of Atm. For the completion of the digital revolution, it will take a little patience: at least a year and a half waiting.

The look turns to the future and Giana's dream is to leave to the system the task of establishing the best rate according to the number of pbadages of the citizen in one week, in one month or in one year on public transport. "Regarding the subject – says the CEO – it is used for the approval of the Guarantor for privacy for the retention of data for a long time." According to Mr. Granelli, the innovative mechanism will simplify the lives of users when the current Sitam (integrated transport system in the Milan area) will be exceeded, probably in 2019. The company plans to reverse the proportions between paid trips with support in three years. physical transactions (today 80%) and dematerialized (twenty percent, given by tickets purchased via app or message). Innovation that aims to promote the travel of tourists and Milanese. "We want to reduce the number of pbadenger cars in circulation – continues Giana – and increase the use of local green public transport".

June 29, 2018 | 06:57


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