MILAN BAG down but above the minimum, Recordati falls, down Mediaset, although Moncler | markets


      MILAN, July 2 (Reuters) - Piazza Affari continues
down, but above the lows, pay the political tensions
shake up Europe and fears related to the rights war between the United States
and rest of the world.
Differences in Germany between Csu and Cdu about
Immigration, which puts the Angela-led government at risk
Merkel, add to the specific situation
Italian, with the perplexities on the management in the matter
of the executive branch headed by Giuseppe Conte.
In the background, concerns about Donald Trump's movements
on rights, particularly on car imports.

** At around 11:45, the FTSE Mib index -
yielded about two percentage points - losing 1.4%
about, the AllShare about 1.3%, the MidCap
about 0.7% and the star around 0.8%. Volumes for one
equivalent value of about 700 million euros. The landmark
The European FTSEurofirst 300 shrinks by about 0.9%.
** Future Wall Street clues make you think
beginning of the negative session in the United States.
** RECORDATI leaves about 14% on the ground,
stay above the price of Oop (28 euros) that will launch Cvc
Capital after the acquisition of 51% stake.
** MEDIASET heavy, which, according to traders, continues
suffer from a Morgan Stanley report on television networks
Europeans. The Italian group is also at the center of the forts
the requests of the Minister of Economic Development,
Luigi Di Maio.
** The automotive sector is not affected by the plans of administration
Trump to impose import duties: the European stoxx
advances of about 0.3%. In Milan, after a few hours of
decided decline, FIAT CHRYSLER has
land recovered and close to parity. low
** Heavy financial: the basket of Italian banks
yields of about 1.8%. INTESA SANPAOLO e
UNICREDIT arm in arm in the -2% area. In difficulty too
** BENCH BANCA all galvanized after UGF
(also low) has exceeded 15% of the capital.

** CARIGE down about 2.5% after
The interview of CEO Paolo Fiorentino, in which the point is made
on sales of npl and utp.
** Stay at the financial savings, managed (BANK
AZIMUT) and insurance (UGF,
UNIPOLSAI and GENERALI) with the minus sign. Outside
of the choir POSTE ITALIANE.
** MONCLER tonic: BofA Merrill raised the question
target price.
** PRYSMIAN substantially in line with the index
FTSE Ebb the day the capital increase of
500 million.
** FINCANTIERI, at the center of the print badysis
on the future impact of defeat in a competition in Australia and
on the evolution of negotiations between Italy and France for
an alliance in shipbuilding, it is definitely down.
** GAMENET in red on the day the
Pre-Council of Ministers will consider the so-called 'decree
dignity, containing, subject to last-minute changes, the
absolute prohibition of advertising for games and bets. Better
** THE SUN 24 HOURS in the letter after the resignation of
President of Giorgio Fossa.
** CAD IT at a gallop after the announcement of the
suspension of the proposed merger in the parent company.

** In pursuit of the race ENERGICA MOTOR COMPANY continues

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