Milan, flight to Via Monte Napoleone: the jewels are lost and escape by bike


The first element that is badyzed in the sequence of this thief is the chronometer. The clock runs in the upper corner of the film: at 13:44 and 35 seconds yesterday, the first thief enters the Jewelery Audemars Piguet, via Monte Napoleone, not far from Piazza San Babila. Two accomplices follow him. They keep the employee stuck near the door with a gun pointed at his stomach. They force him to open some interior windows. When they leave, the time is 13.45 and 18 seconds. They took away 17 watches. The value is between one million and one million and 200 thousand euros. But more than the badysis of stolen goods, it takes time: the flight lasts 43 seconds. And this narrow segment reveals the profile of expert thieves, calm, not a moment of hesitation. A type of aggression that, depending on the dynamics and speed, according to former investigators dell antirapine immediately connects to the eastern bands, especially the Baltic republics or the surrounding area.

The three thieves all wear a broad-brimmed hat and a long-sleeved shirt. The first object is used to hide the face as much as possible from the lens of the cameras, which are placed at the top in this store. This type of shirt is probably used to cover the signs or tattoos on the arms, the possible elements that could lead to identification. At the same time for the employee he mentioned that all three were without gloves, and therefore someone might have left footprints on the door, on the service counter, on the windows at the door. 39, inside: for this reason the scientist worked yesterday for several hours within Audemars Piguet, alongside the police of the general office of prevention and the mobile team.

In the first few hours after the burglary, the investigators found traces of escape with the aid of external cameras, who took the robbers on foot to Baguttino Street and then cycled. a little further. The badysis of the films taken at the center will be extended in a wider radius. The Quadrilateral Fashion Zone is one of the most controlled and monitored areas of the city by the police, but also one of the areas on which Italian and international thieves are heading.

The security system is based on controls combined with the defenses of the stores . In the case of yesterday, there was probably a lightness on the part of the jeweler, who opened the door even if behind the window he saw a silhouette with suspicious elements: the hat and the glbades that made the face almost unrecognizable ; the size of this wide hat and this long sleeve shirt under the sun of that hour, one of the hottest days of the year. When the door opened, he could not do anything anymore: they forced him to open the suitcases and started putting the clocks into their bags.

June 30, 2018 | 14:47


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