Milan, Legionella emergency: 94 years old dies, is the second victim


  Milan, Legionella emergency: 94 years old dies, is the second victim

The budget of emergency Legionella in Bresso in Milanese, is exacerbated. A 94-year-old woman died while a man of the same age died Tuesday. They did not do it for the complications that occurred after the contraction of the bacteria. Up to 17 confirmed cases of infection. To confirm the "critical" situation is the Regional Advisor for Well-being Giulio Gallera who explained that a task force was activated .

"Today there is a critical situation, an epidemic of legionella, 17 people affected and two deaths ," said Gallera on the sidelines of the security table. hospital. "We immediately started a task force to identify the source of the pathogen," said the counselor, recalling some important precautions to avoid contagion: "To clean the filters from the taps let the water and open the windows when you take a hot shower and clean the basins of stagnant water very well, because legionella is not transmitted by drinking water or contact personal, but by inhalation ". 19659004] The results of the health badyzes are expected – The two deaths were recorded at the Bbadini Hospital of Cinisello Balsamo (Milan) where part of the patients with Legionnaires' disease is also hospitalized, while d 39, others are hospitalized in Niguarda. Lombard capital. For Friday, the results of the health badyzes are expected, conducted by the health and health prevention department of the Ats of the metropolitan city of Milan. The drinking water consortium has already sampled 13 different points of the city, with negative results compared to the presence of bacteria

Recovery in condominiums where cases occurred – Meanwhile , Bresso City Council has activated a working table with directors of condominiums in which cases of legionellosis have occurred to agree disinfection and recovery required. He has also developed a code of conduct for citizens. Rules also revived by counselor Gallera

In 2014 there was another urgency of Legionella – In Bresso it is not the first time that an epidemic of Legionella explodes: in 2014 a similar situation it's produced. In this case the cases of infection were six including one fatal. However, the epidemic has developed over a period of several months, while now in a few days. The first cases were reported to the Ats about a week ago

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