Milan, Martina at the Pd Forum: "Here ends my term". And open an alliance for Europeans


"Dear Salvini and Di Maio, we will not let you play on the skin of our country, on our freedom, on our sovereignty". Maurizio MartinaThe secretary of the Pd, in his closing speech of the Forum for Italy organized in Milan, strongly attacked the government from the maneuver. "A maneuver of the thieves of the future, because it endangers the young people and the women of this country: there is a gigantic generational question". "We really risk going back into recession with what they do: burning the sacrifices of the Italians, it's a maneuver that mortgages our fate and when the debt goes up, the freedom goes down."

Martina then opens Dario Franceschini's proposal to build an alliance for Europeans: "The alternative to the super-populist government of Lega and M5S is built from the Democratic Party but goes beyond the party as it is. it has been designed so far ". Although he points out that the "formulas" (the "board" mentioned by Franceschini in the interview, a Republic) "this will be discussed later".



Franceschini: "A wider European list of the Democratic Party and only Zingaretti can unite"


"With this forum," concluded Martina, "my mandate received by the National Assembly in July is over.In the coming days, with the National Secretary, we will complete this phase as sent from July, it will be He was acting – he explained – building a path to gather ideas For a prospect and preparing the DP for a new battle, I ask the Presidency to reconvene the Assembly in time, November 11 is a good date to be the consequence of a new phase ".

But renziani go off the beaten path and try to limit the time of the congress. The parent company in the Senate dem Andrea Marcuccisays in fact since the stage of the fair: "In the next European elections and administrative, the Democratic party will close the ranks and if it would lead to a postponement of Congress, I do not tear my clothes.The congress must be done very quickly, you can not go late March ". Marcucci sees risks in the internal comparison "early in 2019" and perhaps "we had to do it before". Because "this may coincide with the worst period, so let's think about it, we'll evaluate when Maurizio Martina resigns". Marcucci's spring election campaign "will be as important as that of 1946, both for the country and for Europe".

Among the many morning speeches that of the Mayor of Milan Beppe Sala, in some ways, the owner, since the Democratic Party has chosen Milan for its "Forum for Italy". Perhaps also because this room chose to use strong and clear words for the party "which I do not have a map, but that I like a lot", was reciprocally applauded by the thunderous applause of the whole audience. "It is crazy to undermine the foundations of the Democratic Party before the European stool is mad," he said. "A secretary is needed to do the median and not consider himself a leading candidate."

Sala spoke about Milan, the line of his government made of solidarity and of the future ("We are down-to-earth but always re-launched towards the future"), but reserved four councils to the Party Democrat, starting from the fact that "the moment is delicate but not irretrievable".

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Look at Maurizio Martina when he says "we have a secretary", but think about the congress when he says: "As mayor and Beppe Sala, I want a secretary who does not consider himself a prime candidate, even in the rare moments of exaltation that this role can give., which remains one day in Rome and the others around, in the south, because then one complains of not getting there. "It is always, in the description of the ideal secretary, that "you talk to everyone, because partnerships are not built solely by elections".

Finally, the issue of issues not covered by the Democratic Party: the environment, the issue of women, the infrastructure, "we can not say that if we do not make the Tav of Lyon go to Frankfurt and Budapest ? ". And he applauds when he almost shouts, "I want a secretary who has us all, because in the following case, Lodi takes out two hundred people from the town hall until that one (the mayor, ed) do not change your mind ". And here he comes back to a subject he has been dealing with for days: "We must first say no to the Italian, but yes to those who do their duty as citizens, whatever the color of their skin".

Among the numerous public, Gentiloni, Fbadino, Franceschini and Mbadimo Cacciari: "With less than 15% of the votes", he declared, "the Democratic Party is finished".

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